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Security and Privacy in the Information Society (Seminar)


This seminar has the objective to discuss the role of new technologies in Informatics from a privacy and security perspective with regard to enabling new modes of operation in energy systems, known as smart grids or other modern services, e.g. business processes, or even advanced machine learning applications.  A useful management of renewable energy is only possible if demand and supply can be matched. This requires the collection, storage and processing of data, including personal data.  In other applications, the detection of fraud or the intention to manipulate user behavior is the core target of contributions.

Interested Sustainable System Engineering students must register in HISinOne for the course. The attendance is limited to 10 students.

You can find the topics under the following link:

The seminar guidelines contain the tasks, structure and formalities of the seminar:

The LaTex-Template determines the written report's form:

Please also see the rules for scientific work:

Introduction Slides:

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge