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Security and Privacy

Project: SHT in der Komm.technik: Security in communications technology

Project description

During the program "Security in Communications Technology", researchers from nine German universities, public and private research institutions, and leading companies in the IT industry examined whether the "classic" security procedures are adequate, even in the age of Internet. The concept of "multilateral security" and the necessary negotiations protocols of the communication partners involved have been defined and implemented in a prototype. The results served as the basis of both the current DFG priority program and one of the references for the Signature Law (SigG, Article 3 IuKDG), and were the subject of the international conference "Multilateral Security in Communications" in Stuttgart in 1999. Its safety objectives served as German contribution to the ISO/IEC standardization.


1 January 1994 until 31 December 1999

Project manager


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