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Günter Müller (em)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter Müller (em)

  • E-mail: mueller
  • Phone: +49 761 203 4964

Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Günter Müller is a professor of computer science and information systems at the University of Freiburg and a director of the Institute of Informatics and Society. He got his PHD in semantics of information structures and worked as a post-doc with IBM in the famous System R project. After joining the IBM Scientific in 1978 he was nominated by IBM Corporation on the layout of the future communication Infrastructure. The Open-Systems-Interconnection (OSI)” model proofed to be a real alternative to the today so dominant internet. His technical contributions where in the still existing mail standard X 400 and the fusion of the Internet TCP Protocol and the OSI-Transport-protocol. The issue of security and privacy in the internet age made him accept an offer at the University of Freiburg. From Daimler-Benz he was entrusted with a security research forum lasting six years and leading to a non-formal definition of security criteria, which where standardized by DIN and ISO under the name of “Common Criteria”. German Research foundation (DFG) appointed him a leader of a Special Program (SPP) in security with the emphasis, to analyze the systems aspect of Security, which resulted in a second – still ongoing - DFG Special Program in 2010 with the Title “Reliable Software Systems”. He received the ALCATEL-SEL professors award for his work on multilateral security, common criteria and digital signature and E commerce in 1997. He served in many political bodies to consult on technology and applications, in the US, Japan, EU, and Germany. He is and was a visiting professor to Economics University Vienna, Harvard, Berkeley and the NII Tokyo and an advisor to University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 2010 and 2011 he was awarded with honorable doctor (Dr. rer nat h.c.) by Technical University of Darmstadt, was named friend of Zagreb for guiding to EU standards in computer Science and IS curriculum, and received the “Ehrenmedaiile” of University of Vienna and was awarded the "Ehrenkreuz" by the Austrian president for his influence on today’s communication infrastructure.


2011 Awarded with honorable doctor (Dr. rer nat h.c.) by Technical University of Darmstadt
2011 Named friend of Zagreb for guiding to EU standards in computer Science and IS curriculum
2010 Received the “Ehrenmedaille” of University of Vienna
2010 Awarded the "Ehrenkreuz" by the Austrian president for his influence on today’s communication infrastructure
2009 Co-initiator of DFG Special Program with the Title “Reliable Software Systems”
2009 Appointed Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
2006 Organzier of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security, ETRICS 2006
2006 Guest-Editor of the CACM in September 2006, CACM Volume 49, Issue 9, September 2006: Privacy and security in highly dynamic systems
1998 Speaker Special Programm (SPP) in security of German Research foundation (DFG) „Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik“ (SPPS)
1995 Enquiry-Commision „Entwicklung, Chancen und Auswirkungen neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien “ of the Landtags of Baden-Württemberg, academic counselor of the Daimler-Benz-Foundation, and of Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
1994 Leader of the forum „Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik“ of the Gottlieb Daimler- and Karl Benz-Foundation
since 1990 Founding director of the Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies (Call to the University of Freiburg) and full professor for telematics
1987 Director of IBM Europe
1985 Founder and Leader of the European Networking Centre of IBM Heidelberg
1983 Habilitation University of Economics and Business Vienna
1978 IBM Germany GmbH
1976 PhD Universität Duisburg
Editor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Praxis in der Kommunikationstechnik( PIK), Jahrbuch der Telekommunikation, Journal of Universal Computer Science (J-UCS), Journal of Information Security

Guest stays

2009, 2010 Visiting Professor at National Institute of Informations (NII), Japan
1998 International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley (USA): Security
yearly since 1997 Hitachi Research Lab (Japan): Security and Privacy
1995 Harvard University Boston (USA): Netzwork Infrastracture II
1994/95 Forum of Science and Technology, Miti (Japan)
1992/93 NTT Tokio (Japan): Userinterfaces
1976 - 1978 IBM San Jose (USA): Relational Databases (SQL)


See publications page

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