Journal Articles
Years: 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Eymann T, Legner C, Prenzel M, Krcmar H, Müller G, Liggesmeyer P
Addressing Grand Challenges - Implications for BISE Research
2015 Business & Information Systems Engineering 57(6), pages: 409 - 416 - Accorsi R, Lehmann A, Lohmann N
Information leak detection in business process models: Theory, application, and tool support
2015 Inf. Syst., volume: 47, pages: 244 - 257
back to the year overview- Accorsi R
A secure log architecture to support remote auditing
2013 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57(7-8), pages: 1578 - 1591 - Böhr F, Ly L, Müller G
Business Process Security Analysis - Design Time, Run Time, Audit Time
2013 it - Information Technology, volume: 55, issue: 6, pages: 217 - 224 - Stocker T, Accorsi R, Rother T
Computergestützte Prozessauditierung mit Process Mining
2013 HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform., volume: 292 - Müller G, Wahlster W
Placing Humans in the Feedback Loop of Social Infrastructures - NII Research Strategies on Cyber-Physical Systems
2013 Informatik Spektrum, volume: 36, issue: 6, pages: 520 - 529 - Rechert K, Meier K, Zahoransky R, Wehrle D, von Suchodoletz D, Greschbach B, Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I
Reclaiming Location Privacy in Mobile Telephony Networks - Effects and Consequences for Providers and Subscribers
2013 IEEE Systems Journal, volume: 7, issue: 2, pages: 211 - 222 - Accorsi R, Matulevicius R
Second Workshop on Security in Business Processes - A workshop report
2013 Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 8(2), pages: 105 - 107 - Accorsi R
Security in Business Process Management
2013 it - Information Technology 55(6), pages: 215 - 216 - Karwe M, Müller G
Transaktionspseudonymität für Demand-Response-Anwendungen
2013 HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform., volume: 291 - Accorsi R, Damiani E, van der Aalst W
Unleashing Operational Process Mining (Dagstuhl Seminar 13481)
2013 Dagstuhl Reports, volume: 3, issue: 11, pages: 154 - 192 - Accorsi R, Crampton J, Huth M, Rinderle-Ma S
Verifiably Secure Process-Aware Information Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 13341)
2013 Dagstuhl Reports, volume: 3, issue: 8, pages: 73 - 86 - Accorsi R, Matulevicius R
Workshop on Security in Business Processes - A workshop report
2013 Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 8(1), pages: 75 - 79
back to the year overview- Buhl H, Müller G, Fridgen G, Röglinger M
Business and Information Systems Engineering: A Complementary Approach to Information Systems - What We Can Learn from the Past and May Conclude from Present Reflection on the Future
2012 J. AIS, volume: 13, issue: 4 - Zimmermann C, Spreitzenbarth M, Schmitt S, Freiling F
Forensic Analysis of YAFFS2
2012 Proceedings of GI Sicherheit 2012, pages: 59 - 69 - Buhl H, Fridgen G, Müller G, Röglinger M
On Dinosaurs, Measurement Ideologists, Separatists, and Happy Souls - Proposing and Justifying a Way to Make the Global IS/BISE Community Happy
2012 Business & Information Systems Engineering, volume: 4, issue: 6, pages: 307 - 315 - Accorsi R, Ullrich M, van der Aalst W
Process Mining
2012 Informatik Spektrum 35(5), pages: 354 - 359 - Buhl H, Fridgen G, Müller G, Röglinger M
Von Dinosauriern, Tonnenideologen, Separatisten und glücklichen Seelen - Vorschlag und Begründung eines Wegs, um die weltweite IS/WI-Community glücklich zu machen
2012 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 54, issue: 6, pages: 293 - 302
back to the year overview- Haas S, Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Sonehara N, Müller G
Aspects of privacy for electronic health records
2011 I. J. Medical Informatics, volume: 80, issue: 2, pages: e26 - e31 - Accorsi R, Lowis L, Sato Y
Automated Certification for Compliant Cloud-based Business Processes
2011 Business & Information Systems Engineering, volume: 3, pages: 145 - 154 - Accorsi R, Lowis L, Sato Y
Automatisierte Compliance-Zertifizierung Cloud-basierter Geschäftsprozesse
2011 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 53, issue: 3, pages: 139 - 149 - Buhl H, Winter R, Müller G, Bichler M, Heinzl A
BISE - Call for Papers - BISE Workshop Within the MKWI 2012
2011 Business & Information Systems Engineering, volume: 3, issue: 4 - Koslowski T, Strüker J
ERP On Demand Platform: Complementary Effects Using the Example of a Sustainability Benchmarking Service
2011 Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE). 2011 - Koslowski T, Strüker J
Komplementäreffekte am Beispiel eines Nachhaltigkeits-Benchmarking-Dienstes
2011 Wirtschaftsinformatik (engl. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE)), volume: Ausgabe 6/2011 - Müller G, Sonehara N, Echizen I, Wohlgemuth S
Nachhaltiges Computing in Clouds
2011 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 53, issue: 3, pages: 123 - 125 - Müller G, Sonehara N, Echizen I, Wohlgemuth S
Sustainable Cloud Computing
2011 Business & Information Systems Engineering, volume: 3, issue: 3, pages: 129 - 131 - Lowis L, Accorsi R
Vulnerability Analysis in SOA-Based Business Processes
2011 IEEE Trans. Services Computing 4(3), pages: 230 - 242 - Buhl H, Winter R, Müller G, Bichler M, Heinzl A
WI - Call for Papers - BISE-Workshop im Rahmen der MKWI 2012
2011 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 53, issue: 4
back to the year overview- Accorsi R, Lowis L
ComCert: Automated Certification of Cloud-based Business Processes
2010 ERCIM News, volume: 83, page: 50 - Sackmann S, Kundisch D, Ruch M
Customer Portfolio Management in E-Commerce - An Analytical Model for Optimization
2010 Management Research Review, volume: 33, issue: 6, page: 617 - Buhl H, Müller G
Der "gläserne Bürger" im Web 2.0 - Herausforderungen des "virtuellen Striptease"
2010 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 52, issue: 4, pages: 193 - 197 - Ruch M, Sackmann S
Integrating management of customer value and risk in e-commerce
2010 Information Systems and E-Business Management - Schröpfer A, Kerschbaum F, Müller G
L1 - An Intermediate Language for Mixed-Protocol Secure Computation
2010 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, volume: 2010 - Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Müller G, Sonehara N
Privacy-compliant Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties (Schutz der Privatsphäre bei der Weitergabe persönlicher Daten an Dritte)
2010 it - Information Technology, volume: 52, issue: 6, pages: 350 - 355 - Strüker J, Gille D
RFID Adoption and the Role of Organisational Size
2010 Business Process Management Journal, Special Issue on Modeling and Simulation of RFID Applications and its Business Impacts, volume: 16 - Müller G, Accorsi R, Höhn S, Sackmann S
Sichere Nutzungskontrolle für mehr Transparenz in Finanzmärkten
2010 Informatik Spektrum, volume: 33, issue: 1, pages: 3 - 13 - Buhl H, Müller G
The "Transparent Citizen" in Web 2.0 - Challenges of the "Virtual Striptease"
2010 Business & Information Systems Engineering, volume: 2, issue: 4, pages: 203 - 206 - Siegl M, Raab P, Sackmann S
Vergleich von Auskunftei-Informationen zur Bewertung des Zahlungsausfallrisikos im E-Commerce. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung im B-to-C-Segment.
2010 Durch Nachhaltigkeit geprägtes Credit Management., pages: 1 - 20 - Lowis L, Accorsi R
Vulnerability analysis in SOA-based business processes
2010 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
back to the year overview- Strüker J, Gille D, Baars, H
Evaluation of RFID Applications for Logistics: A Framework for Identifying, Forecasting and Assessing Benefits
2009 European Journal of Information Systems, Special Issue on Managing RFID Projects in Organizations, volume: 18, issue: 6, pages: 578 - 591 - Müller G
War Internet die einzige Option? Welchen Weg soll die Wirtschaftsinformatik gehen?
2009 Wirtschaftsinf, volume: 51, issue: 1, pages: 53 - 60 - Müller G
Was the Internet the Only Option? Which Way should Business and Information Systems Engineering go?
2009 Business and Information Systems Engineering, volume: 1, pages: 46 - 52
back to the year overview- Sackmann S
Automatisierung von Compliance
2008 HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, issue: 263, pages: 39 - 46 - Sackmann S, Kundisch D, Ruch M
CRM, Kundenbewertung und integrierte Risk-Return-Steuerung - Zum Status quo des betrieblichen Einsatzes
2008 HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, issue: 259, pages: 21 - 31 - Accorsi R, Yoshinori S, Satoshi K
Compliance Monitor for Early Warning Risk Determination.
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik - Rosemann M, Recker J, Flender C
Contextualization of Business Processes
2008 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, volume: 3, pages: 47 - 60 - Sackmann S, Kähmer M
ExPDT: A Policy-based Approach for Automating Compliance
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), volume: 50, issue: 5, pages: 366 - 374 - Müller G, Terzidis O
IT-Compliance und IT-Governance
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 50, issue: 5, pages: 341 - 343 - Flender C, Rosemann M
Model-driven Service Engineering in Home Telecare
2008 Electronic Journal of Health Informatics (eJHI), volume: 3 - Wonnemann C
RFID – ist Sicherheit in offenen Anwendungen erreichbar?
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 50, issue: 5 - Siegl M, Schulte F
Scoringverfahren im Risikomanagement: Heilsbringer oder Teufelswerkzeug?
2008 DER CREDIT MANAGER Offizielles Organ des Vereins für Credit Management e.V., issue: 10, pages: 6 - 9 - Canetti R, Goldwasser S, Müller G, Steinwandt R
Theoretical Foundations of Practical Information Security, 30.11. - 05.12.2008
2008 Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 08491, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany 2008 - Müller G
WI - Für Sie gelesen. Fremdorganisation, Selbstorganisation und evolutionäres Management
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 50, issue: 2, pages: 133 - 135 - Müller G
WI - Für Sie gelesen. Information security: 50 years behind, 50 years ahead
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 50, issue: 4, pages: 322 - 323 - Müller G
WI - Für Sie gelesen. The Deep Structure of Business Processes
2008 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 50, issue: 6, pages: 508 - 509
back to the year overview- Siegl M
Credit Scoring Transparency - can Germany learn from the U.S.?
2007 EFL quarterly, volume: 3, pages: 9 - 15 - Faisst U, Prokein O, Wegmann N
Ein Modell zur dynamischen Investitionsrechnung in IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
2007 Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, volume: 5, pages: 511 - 538 - Strüker J, Wonnemann C, Kähmer M, Gille D
Managing the Deactivation Process of EPC Class-1 Generation-2 Tags in Retail Industry.
2007 Expert Report on Password Management for EPC Gen2 Tags for a German Retail Group - Raab P, Siegl M
Nutzung von Kundendaten zur Minimierung des Forderungsausfallrisikos im Distanzhandel
2007 WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, volume: 01, pages: 34 - 41 - Müller G, Sackmann S, Günther O, Spiekermann S
Personalisierung und informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Ein unauflösbarer Widerspruch?
2007 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 49, issue: 1, pages: 1 - 2 - Gille D, Strüker J
RFID Report 2007: Die KMU-Perspektive
2007 Berichtreihe des Instituts für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Freiburg, volume: 2
- Ruch M
Success and Impact Factors of Card-Based Loyalty Systems – An Empirical Analysis in the German Retail Sector
2007 Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (JIOS), Vol. 31, No. 1, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varazdin, Croatia
back to the year overview- Müller G
Budgeting process for information security expenditures
2006 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 48, issue: 4, pages: 286 - 288 - Prokein O, Grzebiela T
Ein holistischer IT-Risikomanagementansatz für Unternehmen
2006 Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen., volume: 57, pages: 323 - 326 - Müller G
Grid allein oder Vertrauen in Fremde wird teuer
2006 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 48, issue: 1, pages: 74 - 75 - Syring A, Sackmann S
Internet und Electronic Commerce in den USA, Japan und Deutschland - Ein Vergleich empirischer Studien.
2006 Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Telematik, Universität Freiburg, ISSN 0945 800X. - Müller G
2006 Commun. ACM 49(9), pages: 28 - 31 - Wohlgemuth S
On Privacy with Delegation of Rights by Identity Management
2006 Taxonomy of Mobility and Identity, FIDIS NoE Consortium. EC Contract No. 507512. 6th Framework Programme of European Commission - Sackmann S, Strüker J, Accorsi R
Personalization in Privacy-Aware Highly Dynamic Systems
2006 Communications of the ACM, volume: 49, issue: 9, pages: 32 - 38 - Müller G
Privacy and Security in Highly Dynamic Systems
2006 Communications of the ACM, volume: 49, issue: 9, pages: 28 - 31 - Wohlgemuth S, Müller G
Privatheit bei der Delegation von Rechten mit Identitätsmanagement
2006 Klaus Haasis, Armin Heinzl and Dieter Klumpp (eds.), Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung, Tagungsband zum doIT Software-Forschungstag 2006, pages: 9 - 27 - Wohlgemuth S, Müller G
Privatheit mit Identitätsmanagement. digma
2006 Zeitschrift für Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit Schulthess, Schweiz,, volume: 2, pages: 26 - 29 - Wohlgemuth S, Müller G
Vertretungsregelung Möglichkeiten und Grenzen informationeller Selbstbestimmung bei mehrstufigen Geschäftsprozessen
2006 Die Zeitschrift für Informationssicherheit, SecuMedia Verlags-GmbH, volume: 22, issue: 4, pages: 11 - 18 - Flender C, Freytag T
Visualizing the Soundness of Workflow Nets
2006 Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets (AWPN 2006), University of Hamburg, Germany, Department Informatics Report, volume: 267, pages: 47 - 52
back to the year overview- Gille D
A Transaction Cost Analysis of Micropayments in Mobile Commerce
2005 Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, volume: 29, issue: 1, pages: 25 - 31 - Gitter R., Strasser M.
Ausweise als Träger für Signaturverfahren
2005 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, volume: 29, issue: 2, pages: 74 - 77 - Müller G
Die FG - Berichte aus den Instituten
2005 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 28(1), pages: 60 - 61 - Sackmann S, Strüker J
Electronic Commerce Enquête 2005 - 10 Jahre Electronic Commerce: Eine stille Revolution in deutschen Unternehmen. Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Telematik, Universität Freiburg, 2005
2005 Konradin-IT-Verlag, Leinfelden. - Kreutzer M, Kähmer M
Selbstheilende Dienstfindung für IT-Netze in mobilen Feldkrankenhäusern
2005 Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), volume: 47, issue: 3, pages: 196 - 202 - Müller G
Success factors and impacts of mobile business applications: Results from a mobile e-procurement study
2005 Wirtschaftsinformatik 47(4), pages: 298 - 299 - Wohlgemuth S
iManager Identity Manager for Partial Identities
2005 Structured Overview on Prototypes and Concepts of Identity Management Systems. FIDIS NoE Consortium EC Contract No. 507512. 6th Framework Programme of European Commission.
back to the year overview- Höhn S, Jürjens J
Automated checking of SAP security permissions
2004 Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems VI, pages: 13 - 30 - Kraus M, Müller G, Strasser M, Müller M, Ebert T
Sicherer mobiler Zugriff auf Verwaltungsdienstleistungen
2004 Freiburg Mobilität in Lehre Lernen, Projekt- und Erfahrungsberichte, volume: 2004, pages: 46 - 61
back to the year overview- Wohlgemuth S, Gerd tom Markotten D, Jendricke U, Müller G
DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
2003 it - Information Technology, Methoden und innovative Anwendungen der Informatik und Informationstechnik,, volume: 45, issue: 1, pages: 46 - 54 - Eymann T, Sackmann S, Müller G
Hayeks Katallaxie - Ein zukunftsweisendes Konzept für die Wirtschaftsinformatik?
2003 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 45, issue: 5, pages: 491 - 496 - Coroama V, Hähner J, Handy M, Rudolph-Kuhn P, Magerkurth C, Müller J, Strasser M, Zimmer T
Leben in einer smarten Umgebung: Ubiquitous-Computing-Szenarien und -Auswirkungen
2003 Technical Reports 431, ETH Zürich, Institute for Pervasive Computing - Gerd tom Markotten D, Wohlgemuth S, Müller G
Mit Sicherheit zukunftsfähig
2003 PIK Sonderheft Sicherheit 2003,, volume: 26, issue: 1, pages: 5 - 14 - Müller G, Eckert C
Sicherheit an der Schnittstelle zum Nutzer
2003 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 26(1), pages: 2 - 4
back to the year overview- Padovan B, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Pippow I
A Prototype for an Agent-Based Secure Electronic Marketplace Including Reputation-Tracking Mechanisms
2002 International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), volume: 6, issue: 4, pages: 93 - 113 - Pippow I, Eifert D, Strüker J
Economic Implications of Mobile Commerce - An Exploratory Assessment of Information Seeking Behavior
2002 The First International Conference on Mobile Business, Athen, Griechenland - Müller G, Kreutzer M
Erst die neue Technologie, danach die Sicherheit
2002 it+ti, Oldenbourg, München
back to the year overview- Eymann T, Sackmann S
Digital Business Agents und ihre technischen Grundlagen - Wenn Mensch und Maschine ein Team bilden
2001 Diebold Management Report,, volume: 2, pages: 16 - 21 - Schoder D, Strauß R
Durchaus Möglichkeiten vorhanden (E-Commerce special)
2001 Unternehmer-Magazin, volume: 1/2, pages: 28 - 30 - Schoder D
Electronic Business
2001 Signale, issue: 1 - Gerd tom Markotten D, Jendricke U
Identitätsmanagement im E-Commerce
2001 it+ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, volume: 43, issue: 5, pages: 236 - 245 - Kaiser J
Integration vertrauter Merkmale als Gestaltungsprinzip für sichere Systeme
2001 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), volume: 43, issue: 5 - Eymann T, Vollan B
Internetquellen zum Thema Software-Agenten
2001 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 43, issue: 2, pages: 183 - 188 - Hellbrück R, Schoder D
Stimulating the diffusion of EDI in health care
2001 International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management [Special Series of International Journal of Technology Management], volume: 3, pages: 191 - 202 - Mantel H, Schairer A, Kabatnik M, Kreutzer M, Zugenmaier A
Using Information Flow Control to Evaluate Access Protection of Location Information in Mobile Communication Networks
2001 Technical Report, Institut für Informatik Universität Freiburg, issue: 159 - Kreutzer M, Zugenmaier A
Verbindlichkeit durch netzinterne Sicherheitsdienste (engl.: Reaching Accountability by Security Services inside Networks)
2001 IT Sicherheit, it+ti, issue: 5
back to the year overview- Strauß R, Schoder D
"Organizational Learning as a Cycle Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Levels - A Nonlinear Dynamic Modelling Concept"
2000 Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, Journal of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sc". Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York - Gerd tom Markotten D, Kaiser J
Benutzbare Sicherheit - Herausforderungen und Modell für E-Commerce-Systeme
2000 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: Heft 6 - Schoder D, Pai-Ling Y
Building Firm Trust Online - Barriers to E-Commerce and the Critical Role of Government, accepted for publication
2000 Communications of the ACM - Rannenberg K
Electronic Commerce und Mehrseitige Sicherheit - Baustellen, Fortschritte und Perspektiven
2000 Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, Themenheft "Electronic Commerce", volume: 15 - Schoder D
Forecasting the success of telecommunication services in the presence of network effects
2000 Information Economics and Policy, volume: 12, pages: 181 - 200 - Weber A
Highly Secure Low-cost PDA-phones
2000 Communication Technology Decisions. London, pages: 159 - 167 - Kearney Paul J, Smith Robert E, Bonacina Claudio, Eymann T
Integration of computational models inspired by economics and genetics.
2000 BT Technology Journal, volume: 18, issue: 4, pages: 150 - 161 - Müller G, McCurley K
2000 Wirtschaftsinformatik 42(6), pages: 547 - 549 - Rannenberg K
Mehrseitige Sicherheit - Schutz für Unternehmen und ihre Partner im Internet
2000 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 42, issue: 6, pages: 489 - 497 - Lamberti H-J, Költzsch T
Perspektive für Public-Key-Infrastrukturen - Entwicklung der Basis für sicheren Electronic Commerce
2000 Wirtschaftsinformatik - Schwerpunkt: Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik, pages: 517 - 522 - Röhm A, Fox D, Grimm R, Schoder D
Sicherheit und Electronic Commerce
2000 Vieweg - Hellbrück R, Schoder D
Stimulating the Diffusion of EDI in Health Care
2000 International Journal of Technology Management 3rd Special Issue on Management of Technology in Health Care - Schoder D, Eymann T
The Real Challenges of Mobile Agents
2000 Communications of the ACM, volume: 43, issue: 6, pages: 111 - 112
back to the year overview- Müller G, Rannenberg K
DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik"
1999 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK); Januar- März 1999, issue: 1, pages: 61 - 62 - Költzsch T, Reichenbach M
Ein nutzerorientiertes Konzept zur Risikoeinschätzung und Risikohandhabung bei der Zahlungssystemwahl
1999 Sicherheit und Electronic Commerce Workshop Proceedings, Vieweg, pages: 79 - 91 - Schoder D, Strauß R
Electronic Commerce - Herausforderungen aus Sicht der Unternehmen
1999 Industrie Management, volume: 15. Februar, pages: 55 - 60 - Müller G, Schoder D
Electronic Commerce - Hürden, Entwicklungspotential, Konsequenzen, Ergebnisse der Electronic Commerce Enquête
1999 Arbeitsbericht Nr. 137, Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Württemberg - Bertsch A, Rannenberg K
Lean Infrastructures for Sustainable Digital Signatures in: User Identification and Privacy Protection - Applications in Public Administration & Electronic Commerce; Proceedings of the Joint IFIP WG 8.5 and WG 9.6 Working Conference: 14-15 June 1999, Kista, Sweden
1999 DSV publishers on behalf of IFIP, pages: 173 - 189 - Schoder D, Piller F
Mass Customization und Electronic Commerce - Eine empirische Einschätzung zur Umsetzung in deutschen Unternehmen
1999 Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft - Schoder D
Nutzen des Electronic Commerce aus Unternehmenssicht - Eine faktorenanalytische Untersuchung(überarbeitete Version des Beitrages zur 4. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 1999)
1999 information management - Müller G, Schoder D
Potentiale und Hürden des Electronic Commerce. Eine Momentaufnahme
1999 Informatik Spektrum, volume: 22, issue: 4, pages: 252 - 260 - Rannenberg K, Fox D
Privacy Points
1999 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), issue: 2, page: 99 - Gold S, Keck D, Kühn P, Müller G
Sichere Telekommunikationsdienste mit intelligenten Netzen
1999 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 22(2):, pages: 71 - 76 - Müller G, Rannenberg K
Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik - Ein neues DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm: Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung (IFE)
1999 IFE, issue: 1, pages: 46 - 48 - Müller G, Rannenberg K
Sicherheit, auch das noch!?!
1999 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 22(3), pages: 138 - 139 - Müller G
Vernetzte kleine und mittlere Unternhemen
1999 Wirtschaftsinformatik 41(4), pages: 305 - 306 - Eggs H, Englert J, Schoder D
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit vernetzter kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen - Eine Strukturierung der Einflussfaktoren
1999 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 4, pages: 307 - 315
back to the year overview- Schmitt T, Müller G, Rannenberg K
"Mehrseitige Sicherheit" vor der Probe aufs Exempel - Erste Phase des Kollegs "Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik" abgeschlossen
1998 TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten, issue: 1, pages: 75 - 80 - Eymann T, Padovan B, Schoder D
Artificial Coordination - Simulation of Organizational Change with Artificial Life Agents, to appear in: Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Computation in Economics, Finance, and Engineering: Economic Systems (CEFES'98), Cambridge, UK, June 29 - July 1, 1998
1998 CEFES'98 - Eymann T, Padovan B, Schoder D
Avalanche - An Agent Based Value Chain Coordination Experiment, to be presented at: Workshop on Artificial Societies and Computational Markets (ASCMA'98) at Autonomous Agents '98, Minneapolis, USA, May 9-14, 1998
1998 ASCMA'98 - Schoder D, Janetzko D
Bots, Rubrik "Das aktuelle Stichwort"
1998 Wirtschaftsinformatik, issue: 4 - Schoder D, Strauß R, Welchering P
Electronic Commerce Enquete 1997/98, Empirische Studie zum betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzen von Electronic Commerce für Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum.
1998 Executive Research Report, Konradin-Verlag, Stuttgart 1998. - Schoder D
Erzeugung von dreidimensionalen Navigationshilfen mittels Multidimensionaler Skalierung, in: Proceedings/Abstracts "22. Jahrestagung Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., Herausforderungen der Informationsgesellschaft an Datenanalyse und Wissensverarbeitung, Technische Universität Dresden, 4.-6. März 1998", S. 101
1998 Proceedings/Abstracts 22. Jahrestagung Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. - Schmidt M, Schunter M, Weber A
Is Electronic Cash Possible?
1998 Universität des Saarlandes, Fachbereich Informatik. Technischer Bericht, issue: A/03 - Rannenberg K
Schwerpunkt Sicherheitszertifizierung
1998 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), issue: 4 - Weber A
See What You Sign. Secure Implementations of Digital Signatures.
1998 Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Ubiquitous Telecom Services, pages: 509 - 520 - Rannenberg K
1998 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), issue: 4, pages: 190 - 192 - Schoder D, Strauss R
The Business Value of Web-based Electronic Commerce - Empirical Evidence from Germany, in: Proceedings of ITS 12th Biennial Conference, "Beyond covergence - communication into the next millennium", Stockholm, Sweden, June 21-24, 1998
1998 Proceedings of ITS 12th Biennial Conference - Eymann T, Schoder D, Padovan B
The Living Value Chain - Coordinating Business Processes with Artificial Life Agents, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents (PAAM'98), March 23-25, 1998, London
1998 PAAM'98
back to the year overview- Weber A
Soziale Alternativen in Zahlungsnetzen
1997 N.N. - Hellbrück R, Schoder D
Stimulating the Diffusion of EDI in Health Care
1997 3rd Special Issue on Management of Technology in Health Care - Müller G, Kohl U, Schoder D
Unternehmenskommunikation: Telematiksysteme für vernetzte Unternehmen
1997 Addison-Wesley Longman, page: 355 - Damker H, Müller G
Verbraucherschutz im Internet
1997 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), volume: 21, issue: 1, pages: 14 - 29
back to the year overview- Müller G, Stoll F
Der Freiburger Kommunikationsassistent
1996 Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 19(4), pages: 189 - 197 - Baert C, Hecht T, Kuron R, Lacoste G, Livas D, Petersen C., Schunter M., Weber A., Wildhaber B., Whinnett D.
First Year Surveys and Evaluation
1996 Erhältlich unter - Strauß R, Schoder D
Informationsmanagement im Druck und Verlagsbereich. Eine empirische und konzeptionelle Studie zur Zukunft der Informationsverarbeitung in der Druck und Verlagsindustrie
1996 Deutscher Drucker, issue: 9/16 - Weck G, Pohl H, Müller G
1996 Addison Wesley - Kubicek H, Müller G, Neumann K-H, Raubold E, Roßnagel A
Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft 1996
1996 R. v Decker's Verlag, Heidelberg - Damker H, Federrath H, Schneider M
Maskerade-Angriffe im Internet - Eine Demonstration der Unsicherheit
1996 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit DUD, volume: 20, issue: 5, pages: 286 - 294 - Bussiek T, Bock E, Seywald J
Nutzerorientierter Verkehrstelematikeinsatz im öffentlichen Personenverkehr am Beispiel der SüdbadenBus GmbH
1996 Der Nahverkehr, pages: 62 - 71 - Bertsch A, Damker H, Federrath H
Persönliches Erreichbarkeitsmanagement
1996 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), volume: 38, issue: 4 - Müller G, Bunz H
Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik
1996 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik Schwerpunktheft, volume: 4 - Langenheder W, Pordesch U
Sicherheit und Vertrauen in der Kommunikationstechnik
1996 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), issue: 4, pages: 38 - 38 - Rannenberg K, Pfitzmann A, Müller G
Sicherheit, insbesondere mehrseitige IT-Sicherheit
1996 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), issue: 4, pages: 7 - 10 - Hellbrück R, Schoder D
Stimulating the Diffusion of EDI in Health Care
1996 International Journal of Technology Management, 3rd Special Issue - Bock E, Hohlweg G, Schwarz O
Straßenbenutzungsgebühr und Telematik - Darstellung der Technologien und eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Freiburgs
1996 Hamburg Verlag Dr. Kovac - Bock E, Hohlweg G
Telematikanwendungen und Mobilität
1996 VWA input Zeitschrift für die Wirtschaft, issue: 2, pages: 39 - 41
back to the year overview- Schoder D
Diffusion von Netzeffektgütern, Modellierung auf Basis der Mastergleichung
1995 Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis (ZFP) Marketing, pages: 18 - 28 - Strauß R, Schoder D
Neue Medien
1995 Wirtschaft im Südwesten, pages: 10 - 13
back to the year overview- Karduck A
A CSCW Tool for Augmenting Expertise and Team Formation
1994 Computer Communications, volume: 17, issue: 11, pages: 777 - 787 - Schoder D
Marketing EDI
1994 EM Electronic Markets, Newsletter of the Competence Centre Electronic Markets, University of St. Gallen, issue: 12, pages: 3 - 5
Years: 1998 | 1997back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Fox D, Rannenberg K
Zertifikate - Gütesiegel oder Feigenblatt?
1998 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), issue: 4, page: 186
back to the year overview- Müller G, Rannenberg K
Das Ladenburger Kolleg - Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik; BSI-Forum
1997 Zeitschrift für Kommunikations- und EDV-Sicherheit (KES), volume: 13, issue: 6, pages: 54 - 56 - Müller G, Rannenberg K
Mehrseitige Sicherheit - Nutzer stärken, Anwendungen ermöglichen
1997 FIFF-Kommunikation, volume: 14, issue: 3, pages: 29 - 31
Years: 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1996back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Universität Freiburg (Freiburg)
Ergebnisbroschüre der Umfrage "Kundenbeziehungen im E-Commerce – Chancen erkennen, Risiken minimieren"
Ruch M, Siegl M - Springer (Wiesbaden), page: 237
Wirtschaftlichkeit von RFID-Systemen in der Logistik: Ex-Ante-Quantifizierung der ökonomischen Effekte allgegenwärtiger Informationsverarbeitung
Gille D
back to the year overview- Rombach Druck- und Verlagshaus (Freiburg)
Einsatz von RFID zur Optimierung dezentraler Materialfluss-Steuerung: Ein Informationssystem zur Flexibilisierung der Reihenfolgeplanung in Kaban
Faupel T
back to the year overview- Nova Editors
Long-Term and Dynamical Aspects of Information Security: Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security
Schmidt A, Kreutzer M, Accorsi R - IIG-Telematik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, VDI nachrichten (Düsseldorf)
RFID Report 2008 - Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen in Deutschland.
Strüker J, Gille D, Faupel T - University of Freiburg, VDI Nachrichten (Düsseldorf)
RFID Report 2008 - Optimizing Business Processes in Germany
Strüker J, Gille D, Faupel T - Hrsg. Volker Wulf et al., EUL Verlag (Lohmar, Köln), page: 188
Zur Selbstorganisation der Patientenlogistik mit allgegenwärtigen Rechnern. Band 19: Schriften zu Kooperations- und Mediensystemen
Strasser M
back to the year overview- Springer-Verlag (Freiburg)
Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security. ETRICS 2006 Proceedings
Müller G - Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Telematik, Universität Freiburg
RFID in Deutschland - Stauts Quo, Chancen und Hürden aus Unternehmersicht
Strüker J, Gille D
back to the year overview- ISSN 0945 800X, Insitut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Telematik, Universität Freiburg.
Der Einsatz mobiler Informations - und Kommunikationstechnologie in deutschen Unternehmen. Eine empirische Untersuchung
Faupel T, Sackmann S - Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Telematik, Universität Freiburg (Freiburg)
Der Einsatz von Web Services in deutschen Unternehmen Eine empirische Untersuchung
Prokein O, Sackmann S - Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Gabler (Wiesbaden)
Individualisierung im stationären Einzelhandel - Eine ökonomische Analyse elektronischer Formen der Kundenkommunikation
Strüker J
back to the year overview- Rhombos-Verlag
Benutzbare Sicherheit in informationstechnischen Systemen
Gerd tom Markotten D - Springer
Security in Persuasive Computing
Hutter, D, Müller, G, Stephan, W, Ullmann, M
back to the year overview- Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Gabler-Edition (Wiesbaden)
Bilaterale Preisverhandlungen von Software-Agenten
Sackmann S
back to the year overview- Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Gabler; zugl.Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. (Wiesbaden), page: 211
Internet-Risiken: Versicherbarkeit und Alternativer Risikotransfer
Grzebiela T
- Oldenbourg Verlag
Telematik- und Kommunikationssysteme in der vernetzten Wirtschaft, Lehrbücher Wirtschaftsinformatik
Müller G, Eymann T, Kreutzer M
back to the year overview- Springer
Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet
Müller G, Reichenbach M
back to the year overview- Gabler-Verlag
Informationstechnische Unterstützung lateraler Kooperationen
Hummel T - Addison Wesley Longman (Bonn et al.)
Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik
Müller G, Pfitzmann A - Addison Wesley Longman (Bonn et al.)
Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik
Müller G, Stapf K-H - dpunkt Verlag für digitale Technologie (Heidelberg)
Zukunftsperspektiven der digitalen Vernetzung
Müller G, Kohl U, Strauß R
Book chapters
Years: 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1987back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Volkmann S, Feiten L, Zimmermann C, Sester S, Wehle L, Becker B
Digitale Tarnkappe: Anonymisierung in Videoaufnahmen
In: Informatik 2016: Informatik von Menschen für Menschen, Bonner Köllen Verlag (Klagenfurt), 2016 - Feiten L, Sester S, Zimmermann C, Volkmann S, Wehle L, Becker B
Revocable Anonymisation in Video Surveillance: a "Digital Cloak of Invisibility"
In: Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion, pages: 314 - 327, David Kreps, Gordon Fletcher and Marie Griffiths (ed.), Springer (Salford, UK), 2016
back to the year overview- Zimmermann C, Cabinakova J
A Conceptualization of Accountability as a Privacy Principle
In: Business Information Systems Workshops, Springer (Posen), 2015 - Nolte C
Personal Data as Payment Method in SNS and Users’ Concerning Price Sensitivity - A Survey
In: Business Information Systems Workshops, pages: 273 - 282, Witold Abramowicz (ed.), Springer International Publishing (Poznań, Poland), 2015
- Zimmermann C, Nolte C
Towards Balancing Privacy and Efficiency: A Principal-Agent Model of Data-Centric Business
In: Security and Trust Management, pages: 89 - 104, Foresti, Sara (ed.), Springer (Wien), 2015
back to the year overview- Müller G, Koslowski T, Accorsi R
Resilience - A New Research Field in Business Information Systems?
In: Business Information Systems Workshops, pages: 3 - 21, W. Abramowicz (ed.), Springer (New York), 2013
- Koslowski T, Zimmermann C
Towards a Detective Approach to Process-Centered Resilience
In: Security and Trust Management (LNCS 8203), pages: 176 - 190, R. Accorsi, S. Ranise (ed.), Springer (Berlin Heidelberg), 2013
back to the year overview- Müller G, Flender C, Peters M
Vertrauensinfrastruktur und Privatheit als ökonomische Fragestellung
In: Internet Privacy - Eine multidisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme/A Multidisciplinary Analysis, Buchmann J (ed.), Springer (Berlin), 2012
back to the year overview- Accorsi R
BBox: A Distributed Secure Log Architecture
In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on PKI, Springer (Athens, Greece), 2011 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Forensic Leak Detection for Business Processes Models
In: Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on Digital Forensics, Springer-Verlag (Berlin), 2011 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
InDico: Information Flow Analysis of Business Processes for Confidentiality Requirements
In: Proceedings of the ERCIM Workshop on Security and Trust Management, Springer (Athens, Greece), 2011 - Terpin, J, Siegl, M
In: Grundlagen des CRM – Strategie, Geschäftsprozesse und IT-Unterstützung, volume: 3., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, pages: 493 - 523, Hippner, H./ Hubrich, B./ Wilde, K. D. (ed.), 2011
back to the year overview- Höhn S, Jürjens J, Lowis L, Accorsi R
Identification of Vulnerabilities in Web Services using Model-Based Securit
In: Web Services Security Development and Architecture: Theoretical and Practical Issues, pages: 1 - 32, Gutiérrez, C. and E. Fernández-Medina and M. Piattini (ed.), IGI Global, 2010 - Siegl M
In: Grundlagen des CRM – Konzepte und Gestaltung, pages: 493 - 523, Gabler (ed.), Gabler, 2010 - Barros A, Hettel T, Flender C
Process Choreography Modeling
In: Handbook on Business Process Management 1, pages: 257 - 277, Springer-Verlag (Berlin), 2010 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Static Information Flow Analysis of Workflow Models
In: Business Process and Service Science, pages: 194 - 205, Gesellschaft für Informatik (Leipzig, Germany), 2010 - Siegl M
Vergleich von Auskunftei-Informationen zur Bewertung des Zahlungsausfallrisikos im E-Commerce. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung im B-to-C-Segment.
In: Durch Nachhaltigkeit geprägtes Credit Management, pages: 1 - 20, BOSS (ed.), BOSS, 2010
back to the year overview- Sackmann S, Ruch M
Customer-Specific Transaction Risk Management in E-Commerce
In: Value Creation in E-Business Management, pages: 68 - 79, M. Nelson and M. Shaw and T. Strader (ed.), Springer (Berlin), 2009 - Rosemann M, Recker J, Flender C
Designing Context-Aware Business Processes
In: Systems Analysis and Design: People, Processes and Projects, Chiang R, Siau K, Hardgrave B (ed.), M.E. Sharpe Inc. (Armonk, New York), 2009 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Detective Information Flow Analysis for Business Processes (Extended Abstract)
In: Business Processes, Services Computing and Intelligent Service Management, pages: 223 - 224, Abramowicz, W., Macaszek L., Kowalczyk R., and Speck A. (ed.), Bonner Köllen Verlag (Bonn et al.), 2009 - Sackmann S
Integriertes Management von Risiko, Compliance und Geschäftsprozessen – eine Vision und ihre Herausforderungen
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik – 35 Jahre zurück und 35 Jahre voraus (Vol Heft 243), pages: 147 - 152, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (Wien), 2009 - Gilliot M, Wohlgemuth S, Matyas V
Privacy and Indentity
In: The Future of Identity in the Information Society, pages: 351 - 390, Springer-Verlag (Berlin), 2009
back to the year overview- Kähmer M
Analysis of Privacy Policies for Dynamic Systems
In: Long-Term and Dynamical Aspects of Information Security: Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security, pages: 19 - 28, Kreutzer Michael Rafael Accorsi (ed.), Nova Science Publishers (New York), 2008 - Kundisch D, Sackmann S, Ruch M
E-Tailers and their Customer Portfolio: A Risk Perspective
In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), pages: 32 - 49, Springer (Berlin u.a.O.), 2008 - Müller G, Sackmann S, Prokein O
IT Security: New Requirements, Regulations and Approaches
In: Handbook on Information Technology in Finance, pages: 711 - 730, F. Schlottmann D. Seese C. Weinhardt (ed.), Springer (Berlin), 2008 - Siegl M, Sackmann S
Strategien und Instrumente für den Umgang mit dem Forderungsausfall-Risiko im E-Commerce (B2C)
In: Risikomanagement im E-Commerce, pages: 73 - 101, van Baal S, Hudetz K (ed.), ECC Uni Köln, Deutscher Betriebswirte-Verlag (Köln), 2008
back to the year overview- Accorsi R, Höhn S, Maier M
An Approach for Secure Usability for Ambient Intelligence Environments.
In: Long-Term and Dynamical Aspects of Information Security: Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security., A. Schmidt, M. Kreutzer, R. Accorsi (ed.), Nova-Publishers, 2007 - Müller G, Sackmann S, Prokein O
IT Security: New Requirements, Regulations and Approaches
In: Handbook on Information Technology in Finance, F. Frank-Schlottmann D. Seese C. Weinhardt (ed.), Springer (Berlin), 2007 - Müller G, Accorsi R, Höhn S, Kähmer M, Strasser M
Sicherheit in Ubiquitous Computing: Schutz durch Gebote?
In: Die Informatisierung des Alltags - Leben in smarten Umgebungen, pages: 127 - 142, Friedeman Mattern (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2007 - Prokein O, Faupel T, Gille D
Web Services as an Enabler for Virtual Organizations?
In: E-Commerce and V-Business: Digital Enterprise in the Twenty-First Century, pages: 245 - 270, Barnes, Stuart (ed.), Heinemann (Butterworth), 2007
back to the year overview- Höhn S
Bringing the user back into control: a new paradigm for usability in highly dynamic systems
In: TrustBus 2006, LNCS 4083, pages: 114 - 122, S. Fischer-Hübner et al. (ed.), Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg), 2006 - Accorsi R, Adolf C
Delegating Secure Logging in Pervasive Computing Systems
In: International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing. Vol 3934. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages: 58 - 72, John A. Clarke, Richard F. Paige, Fiona A. C. Polack and Phillip J. Brooke (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2006 - Herrmann A, Paech B, Kirn S, Kossmann D, Müller G, Binnig C, Gilliot M, Illes T, Lowis L, Weiß D
Durchgängige Qualität von Unternehmenssoftware.
In: Industrie Management. Industrie Zeitschrift für industrielle Geschäftsprozesse. , GITO-Verlag (Berlin), 2006 - Accorsi R
On the Relationship of Privacy and Secure Remote Logging in Dynamic Systems
In: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Vol 201. Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments, pages: 323 - 338, S. Fischer-Hübner, K. Rannenberg, L. Yngström, S. Lindskog (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 2006 - Eymann T, Müller G, Strasser M
Self-Organized Scheduling in Hospitals by Connecting Agents and Mobile Devices
In: Multiagent Engineering - Theory and Applications in Enterprises, Series: International Handbooks on Information Systems, pages: 319 - 337, Kirn, S.; Herzog, O.; Lockemann, P.; Spaniol, O. (ed.), Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2006 - Prokein O, Sackmann S
Status quo und Hürden der Personalisierung in deutschen Handelsunternehmen
In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik - Tagungsband 1, pages: 273 - 283, F. Lehner H. Nösekabel P. Kleinschmidt (ed.), GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
back to the year overview- Roßnagel A, Reichl H, Müller G
Digitaler Personalausweis - Eine Machbarkeitsstudie
In: DuD-Fachbeiträge, Deutscher Universitäts Verlag (Wiesbaden), 2005 - Strasser M, Müller G, Roßnagel A, Gitter R
Kosten und Umsetzungsmodelle
In: Digitaler Personalausweis - Eine Machbarkeitsstudie, pages: 243 - 279, Roßnagel, A.; Reichl, H.; Müller, G. (ed.), DuD-Fachbeiträge, Deutscher Universitäts Verlag (Wiesbaden), 2005
back to the year overview- Strasser M, Eymann T
Self-organization of schedules using time-related monetary substitutes
In: Coordination and Agent Technology in Value Networks, Conference Proceedings Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Essen, 2004, pages: 45 - 58, M. Bichler C. Holtmann S. Kirn J.P. Müller C. Weinhardt (ed.), GITO-Verlag (Berlin), 2004 - Eifert D
Wert von Kundenprofilen im Electronic Commerce
In: Wert von Kundenprofilen im Electronic Commerce, pages: 1 - 238, N. Szyperski B.F. Schmid A.-W. Scheer G. Pernul S. Klein (ed.), Josef Eul Verlag GmbH (Lohmar-Köln), 2004
back to the year overview- Sackmann S
Automatisierte Erkennung von marktplatzspezifischem Verhandlungsverhalten
In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003/ Band 1; Medien- Märkte - Mobilität, pages: 193 - 213, W Uhr W Esswein E Schoop (ed.), Physica, (Heidelberg), 2003 - Müller G, Kreutzer M, Strasser M, Eymann T, Hohl A, Nopper N, Sackmann S, Coroama V
Geduldige Technologie für ungeduldige Patienten: Führt Ubiquitous Computing zu mehr Selbstbestimmung?
In: Total vernetzt – Szenarien einer informatisierten Welt, pages: 159 - 186, F. Mattern (ed.), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York), 2003 - Paulussen T.O, Herrler R, Hoffmann A, Heine C, Becker M, Franck M, Reinke T, Strasser M
Intelligente Softwareagenten und betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien im Gesundheitswesen
In: Informatik 2003 - Band 1, pages: 64 - 82, RK Dittrich W König A Oberweis K Rannenberg W Wahlster (ed.), Gesellschaft für Informatik, (Bonn), 2003 - Strüker J, Sackmann S, Eifert D, Pippow I
Location-Related Services for Mobile Commerce - An Analysis of the Potentials for small and medium-sized Enterprises
In: The Second International Conference on Mobile Business, pages: 129 - 140, G.M. Giaglis H. Werthner V. Tschammer K.A. Froeschl (ed.), Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft: (Wien), 2003 - Müller G, Wohlgemuth S
Sichere IT-Systeme
In: INFORMATIK 2003 Innovative Informatikanwendungen, Band 1, Bonn, September 2003, pages: 87 - 90, K. Dittrich W. König A. Oberweis K. Rannenberg W. Wahlster (ed.), Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH., 2003 - Wohlgemuth S, Jendricke U, Gerd tom Markotten D, Dorner F, Müller G
Sicherheit und Benutzbarkeit durch Identitätsmanagement
In: Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung - Tagungsband zum doIT-Forschungstag 2003, pages: 241 - 260, In Spath, D. Haasis, K. (ed.), IRB Verlag (Stuttgart), 2003
back to the year overview- Sackmann S, Eymann T, Müller G
EMIKA - Real-Time Controlled Mobile Information Systems in Health Care Applications
In: Mobile Computing in Medicine - Realtime Controller Mobile Infomation systems in Health Care Applications, HB. Bludau A. Koop (ed.), Köllen Druck und Verlag, Bonn. (Heidelberg), 2002 - Müller G
Enthält die Informatik Sprengkraft für Regulierungssysteme?
In: Umbruch von Regelungssystemen in der Informationsgesellschaft, J. Bizer B. Lutterbeck J. Rieß (ed.), Kühne (Stuttgart), 2002 - Müller G
Entwicklungslinien der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
In: Kommunikation Technik Recht, M. Kloepfer (ed.), Dunckler & Humblot GmbH (Berlin), 2002 - Müller G, Gerd tom Markotten D
Mehrseitige mobile Unsicherheit
In: Innovation@Infrastruktur, Hüthig GmbH & Co. KG (Heidelberg), 2002 - Eggs H, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Müller G
Vertrauen und Reputation in P2P-Netzwerken
In: Peer-to-Peer, pages: 229 - 254, D. Schoder K. Fischbach R. Teichmann (ed.), Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2002 - Eggs H, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Müller G
Vertrauensgenerierende Institutionen für P2P-Netzwerke
In: E-Commerce - Netze, Märkte, Technologien, pages: 43 - 54, C. Weinhardt C. Holtmann (ed.), Physica-Verlag, (Heidelberg), 2002 - Müller G
Wissensschutz durch Sicherheit der Kommunikationstechnik Trust in the Kindness of Strangers
In: Praxishandbuch Wissensmanagement Strategien Methoden Fallbeispiele, M. Bellmann H. Krcmar T. Sommerlatte (ed.), Symposion Publishing GmbH (Düsseldorf), 2002
back to the year overview- Schoder D, Strauß R
A aprendizagem organizacional como ciclo entre os niveis micoroscópico e macroscópico: Um conceito de modelacao dinamica nao-linear
In: Empresas, caos e complexidade: Gerindo ? beira de um ataque de nervos, pages: 57 - 86, Miguel Pina e Cunha José Manuel Fonseca Fernando Goncalves (ed.), -, 2001 - Padovan B, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Pippow I
Automatisierte Reputationsverfolgung auf einem agentenbasierten elektronischen Marktplatz
In: Information Age Economy (Proc. 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001), pages: 517 - 530, H.-U. Buhl A. Huther B. Reitwiesner (ed.), Physica-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2001 - Müller G, Gerd tom Markotten D, Jendricke U
Benutzbare Sicherheit - Der Identitätsmanager als universelles Sicherheitswerkzeug
In: Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet, pages: 135 - 146, Müller G Reichenbach M (ed.), Springer (Heidelberg), 2001 - Eymann T
Decentralized Economic Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
In: Information Age Economy (Proc. 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001), pages: 575 - 588, H.-U. Buhl, A. Huther, B. Reitwiesner (ed.), Physica Verlag (Heidelberg), 2001 - Eifert D, Pippow I
Erfolgswirkungen von One-to-One Marketing - Eine empirische Analyse
In: Information Age Economy. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001, H.-U Buhl A Huther B Reitwiesner (ed.), Physica (Heidelberg), 2001 - Eifert D, Pippow I
Erfolgswirkungen von One-to-One Marketing - Eine empirische Analyse
In: Information Age Economy. 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001, pages: 265 - 278, Buhl, Hans Ulrich / Huther, Andreas / Reitwiesner, Bernd (ed.), Physica-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2001 - Gerd tom Markotten D, Jendricke U
Identitätsmanagement: Einheiten und Systemarchitektur
In: Verlässliche IT-Systeme - Sicherheit in komplexen Infrastrukturen, pages: 77 - 85, Dirk Fox, Marit Köhntopp Andreas Pfitzmann (ed.), Vieweg (Wiesbaden), 2001 - Eymann T
Markets without Makers - A Framework for Decentralized Economic Coordination in Multiagent Systems
In: Electronic Commerce. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop WELCOM 2001, Heidelberg, Germany, November 16-17, 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2232, pages: 63 - 74, L. Fiege G. Mühl U. Wilhelm (ed.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg), 2001 - Schoder D, Strauß R
Nutzen des Electronic Commerce aus Unternehmenssicht
In: Internet& Electronic Business, Herausforderung an das Management, pages: 59 - 67, A. Meier (ed.), Orell Füssli (Zürich), 2001 - Müller G, Eggs H
Sicherheit und Vertrauen: Mehrwert im E-Commerce
In: Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet, pages: 27 - 44, Müller G Reichenbach M (ed.), Springer (Heidelberg), 2001 - Grzebiela T
Versicherbarkeit von Risiken des E-Commerce
In: Information Age Economy. Konferenzband 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, pages: 409 - 423, H. U. Buhl, A. Huther, B. Reitwiesner, (ed.), Physica-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2001
back to the year overview- Weber A
Sicherer elektronischer Handel
In: Electronic Commerce - Gestaltungshilfen für den Mittelstand, pages: 187 - 199, J. Janas, G. Lämmle, H. Schelle, R. Wahl (ed.), N.N. (München), 2000 - Baum-Waidner B, Lacoste G, Pfitzmann B, Waidner M, Weber A
The Vision of SEMPER
In: SEMPER Final Report, Lacoste G Pfitzmann B Steiner M Waidner M (ed.), LNCS 1854 (Berlin), 2000
back to the year overview- Schmidt J, Schunter M, Weber A
Can Cash be Digitalised?
In: Multilateral Security for Global Communication, pages: 301 - 320, G. Müller K Rannenberg (ed.), Addison-Wesley (München et al.), 1999 - Bludau H, Rannenberg K
Das Erfahrungsfeld "Erreichbarkeitsmanagement" im Kontext mehrseitiger Sicherheit - Simulationsstudien als didaktisches Instrument
In: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik: Zur Didaktik der IT-Sicherheit, pages: 173 - 188, Secu-Media Verlag (Ingelheim), 1999 - Strauß R E, Schoder D
Electronic Commerce - Herausforderungen aus Sicht der Unternehmen
In: Management-Handbuch Electronic Commerce, Grundlagen, Strategien, Praxisbeispiele, pages: 61 - 74, A. Hermanns M. Sauter (ed.), Vahlen, 1999 - Schneider M, Damker H
Ergebnisse der Simulationsstudie: Erreichbarkeitsmanagement
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, pages: 137 - 151, Alexander Roßnagel, Reinhold Haux, Wolfgang Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Lacoste G, Weber A
Gestaltung und Nutzen einer Sicherheits-Infrastruktur für globalen elektronischen Handel
In: Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen, pages: 145 - 157, Horster, Patrick (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Müller G, Pfitzmann A, Rannenberg K
IT Security and Multilateral Security
In: Multilateral Security in Communications - Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 21 - 29, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1999 - Schmidt J, Schunter M, Weber A
Ist elektronisches Bargeld realisierbar?
In: VIS proceedings 1999, pages: 1 - 18, DuD Fachbeiträge (Braunschweig), 1999 - Rannenberg K, Pfitzmann A, Müller G
Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Telekommunikation
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, pages: 35 - 44, A. Roßnagel R. Haux, W. Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Müller G, Rannenberg K
Multilateral Security - Empowering Users, Enabling Applications - The Ladenburger Kolleg "Security in Communication Technology, Infrastructure, Economy
In: Multilateral Security in Communications - Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 563 - 570, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1999 - Bertsch A, Rannenberg K, Bunz H
Nachhaltige Überprüfbarkeit digitaler Signaturen
In: Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen, pages: 39 - 50, Patrick Horster (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Schoder D
Navigation in Cyberspace - Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling to Create Three-dimensional Navigational Maps
In: Classification in the Information Age, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual GfKL Conference, Dresden, March 4-6,1998, pages: 402 - 409, W. Gaul H. Locarek-Junge (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1999 - Schoder D
Perception of Risk Factors in Electronic Commerce - Empirical Evidence from Germany
In: Multilateral Security in Communications, Vol. 3: Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 451 - 463, Addison Wesley, 1999 - Hamamtzoglou A, Hecht T, Papadopoulos I, Weber A
Person-to-Person e-Commerce: The Next Step.
In: SEMPER Final Report, Lacoste, G.; Pfitzmann, B.; Steiner, M.; Waidner, M. (ed.), Springer, 1999 - Damker H, Pordesch U, Reichenbach M
Personal Reachability and Security Management - Negotiation of Multilateral Security
In: Multilateral Security in Communications - Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 95 - 112, Addison-Wesley (München), 1999 - Ammenwerth E, Bludau H, Damker H, Pordesch U
Projekte mobiler und sicherer Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, pages: 45 - 64, A. Roßnagel R Haux W Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Weber A
Secure Electronic Commerce
In: Business Briefing Electronic Commerce, World Markets Research Centre (ed.), N.N. (London), 1999 - Müller G, Rannenberg K
Security for Global Communications
In: Multilateral Security in Communications - Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 11 - 17, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1999 - Weber A
Sicherer elektronischer Handel
In: Electronic Commerce für den Mittelstand, Janas, Jürgen; Schelle, Heinz (ed.), Tagungsbericht, 1999 - Ammenwerth E, Damker H, Pordesch U
Technik in der Simulation
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, pages: 99 - 122, A Roßnagel R Haux, W Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1999 - Baum-Waidner B, Lacoste G, Pfitzmann B, Waidner M, Weber A
The Vision of SEMPER
In: SEMPER Final Report, G. Lacoste B. Pfitzmann M. Steiner M. Waidner (ed.), Springer, 1999 - Rannenberg K
What can IT Security Certification do for Multilateral Security?
In: Multilateral Security in Communications - Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, pages: 515 - 530, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1999 - Strauß R E, Schoder D
Wie werden die Produkte den Kunden angepaßt? - Massenhafte Individualisierung
In: eCommerce, Einstieg, Strategie und Umsetzung in Unternehmen, pages: 109 - 119, S.Albers M. Clement K. Peters B. Skiera (ed.), F.A.Z. - Institut, 1999
back to the year overview- Damker H, Pordesch U, Rannenberg K, Schneider M
Aushandlung mehrseitiger Sicherheit: der Erreichbarkeits- und Sicherheitsmanager.
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Band 2: Mensch, Nutzbarkeit, Akzeptanz, G. Müller, K. Stapf (ed.), Addison Wesley (Bonn et al.), 1998 - Rannenberg K
Datenschutz als Innovationsmotor statt als Technikfeind
In: Der neue Datenschutz - Datenschutz in der Informationsgesellschaft von morgen, pages: 190 - 205, H Bäumler (ed.), Luchterhand (Nuewied at al.), 1998 - Schoder D, Strauß R
Electronic Commerce
In: Business Multimedia, Innovative Geschäftsfelder strategisch nutzen, pages: 51 - 65, M. Brossmann U. Fieger (ed.), FAZ/Gabler-Edition, 1998 - Schoder D, Strauß R
Electronic Commerce
In: Das Handbuch zur Marketinginformatik, pages: 55 - 64, H. Hippner M. Meyer M. Wilde (ed.), Vieweg (Wiesbaden), 1998 - Schneider M, Damker H
Ergebnissse der Simulationsstudie: Erreichbarkeitsmanagement
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, A.Roßnagel W. Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1998 - Damker H, Pordesch U, Schneider M
Erreichbarkeits- und Sicherheitsmanagement praktisch erprobt
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Band 2: Mensch, Nutzbarkeit, Akzeptanz, G. Müller K. Stapf (ed.), Addison Wesley (Bonn et al.), 1998 - Ammenwerth E, Bludau h B, Damker H, Pordesch U
Projekte mobiler und sicherer Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, A. Roßnagel W. Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1998 - Damker H, Pordesch U, Schneider M
Sicherheitsmanagement praktisch erprobt
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Band 2: Mensch, Nutzbarkeit, Akzeptanz, G. Müller K Stapf (ed.), Addison Wesley (Bonn et al.), 1998 - Ammenwerth E, Damker H, Pordesch U
Technik in der Simulation.
In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, A. Roßnagel, W. Herzog (ed.), Vieweg (Braunschweig), 1998
back to the year overview- Strauß R, Schoder D
Electronic Commerce: innovative Geschäftsfelder für den Handel
In: Jahrbuch Marketing Kommunikation, pages: 146 - 151, R. Köhler (ed.), MARKETING&KOMMUNIKATION, 1997 - Reichenbach M, Damker H, Federrath H, Rannenberg K
Individual Management of Personal Reachability in Mobile Communication
In: Information Security in Research and Business, pages: 163 - 174, L. Yngström J. Carlsen (ed.), Chapman & Hall (London), 1997 - Schoder D, Hummel T, Müller G
Interdisziplinäre Modelle für Entwurf und Einsatz telematischer Systeme. Grundsätzliche Probleme diskutiert am Beispiel des Freiburger Schichtenmodells der Telematik
In: Informatik als Innovationsmotor, M. Jarke K. Pasedach K. Pohl (ed.), Springer (Berlin), 1997 - Damker H, Federrath H, Reichenbach M, Bertsch A
Persönliches Erreichbarkeitsmanagement
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Verfahren, Komponenten, Integration, pages: 207 - 220, G. Müller A. Pfitzmann (ed.), Addison-Wesley-Longman (Bonn et al.), 1997 - Sobirey M, Fischer-Hübner S, Rannenberg K
Pseudonymous Audit for Privacy Enhanced Intrusion Detection
In: Information Security in Research and Business, pages: 151 - 163, L. Yngström, J. Carlsen (ed.), Chapman & Hall (London), 1997 - Müller G, Pfitzmann A, Rannenberg K
Sicherheit, insbesondere mehrseitige IT-Sicherheit
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Verfahren, Komponenten, Integration, pages: 21 - 29, G.Müller A. Pfitzmann (ed.), Addison-Wesley-Longman (Bonn et al.), 1997 - Rannenberg K
Tragen Zertifizierung und Evaluationskriterien zu mehrseitiger Sicherheit
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik - Verfahren, Komponenten, Integration, G. Müller A. Pfitzmann (ed.), Addison-Wesley-Longman (Bonn et al.), 1997 - Weber A
Zur Notwendigkeit sicherer Implementation digitaler Signaturen in offenen Systemen
In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik. Vertrauen in Technik durch Technik., pages: 465 - 478, G. Müller A. Pfitzmann (ed.), Addison-Wesley-Longman (Bonn), 1997
back to the year overview- Weber A
The Development and Usage of Public Key Systems on Networks as a Social Process. An Overview with an Emphasis on Payment Techniques
In: Management and Network Technology, pages: 67 - 82, T. Buland H. Finne S. Helmers U. Hoffmann J. Hofmann (ed.), N.N., 1996 - Strauß R, Schoder D, Kohl U
Wired Cities - Chancen für kleine und mittlere Städte auf dem "Information Highway
In: Zukunftsperspektiven der digitalen Vernetzung, G. Müller U.Kohl R. Strauß (ed.), dpunkt Verlag für digitale Technologie (Heidelberg), 1996
back to the year overview- Müller G, Bock E
Gestaltung großtechnischer Telematiksysteme im Verkehr
In: Telematik im Straßenverkehr - Initiativen und Gestaltungskonzepte, pages: 51 - 59, G. Müller G. Hohlweg (ed.), Springer-Verlag (Berlin et al.), 1995 - Schoder D
Netzeffekte und Telekommunikationsdienste
In: Diffusion von Innovationen in der Telekommunikation, Schriftenreihe des Wissenschaftlichen Instituts für Kommunikationsdienste (WIK) GmbH, M.W. Stoetzer A. Mahler (ed.), Springer, 1995
back to the year overview- Müller G, Zoche P
Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik
In: Herausforderungen an die Informationstechnik, pages: 101 - 124, P. Zoche (ed.), N.N. (Berlin), 1994
back to the year overview- Blaser A, Jarke M, Lehmann H, Müller G
Datenbanksprachen und Datenbankbenutzung
In: Datenbankhandbuch, pages: 559 - 635, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (Berlin Heidelberg), 1987
Short communications
Years: 2015 | 2007 | 1999 | 1998back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Przyjaciel-Zablocki M, Schätzle A, Lange A
TriAL-QL: Distributed Processing of Navigational Queries
2015 Proceedings of the 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Lima, Peru, May 6 - 8, 2015., volume: 1378, pages: 1 - 4
back to the year overview- Sackmann S
"Privacy" im World Wide Web - Für Sie gesurft
2007 Wirtschaftsinformatik, volume: 49, issue: 1, pages: 49 - 54
back to the year overview1998
back to the year overview- Eymann T, Padovan B, Schoder D
Simulating Value Chain Coordination with Artificial Life Agents
1998 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, July 2-8, 1998, Paris
Conference papers
Years: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1991 | 1986back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Rückeshäuser N
Do We Really Want Blockchain-Based Accounting? Decentralized Consensus as Enabler of Management Override of Internal Controls, in Leimeister, J.M.; Brenner, W. (Ed.)
2017 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen, pp. 16-30 - Best Paper Award Nominee, pages: 16 - 30
back to the year overview- Cabinakova J, Zimmermann C, Müller G
An Empirical Analysis of Privacy Dashboard Acceptance: The Google Case
2016 24th European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016 forthcoming - Zimmermann C
Framework and Requirements for Reconciling Digital Services and Privacy
2016 24th European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016 forthcoming - Zahoransky R, Holderer J, Lange A, Brenig C
Process Analysis as First Step Towards Automated Business Security
2016 24th European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016 - Holderer J, Carmona J, Müller G
Security-Sensitive Tackling of Obstructed Workflow Executions
2016 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data, Torun, Poland, June 20-21, 2016, pages: 126 - 137 - Brenig C, Schwarz J, Rückeshäuser N
Value of Decentralized Consensus Systems – Evaluation Framework
2016 24th European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016, Best Paper Award Nominee
back to the year overview- Zahoransky R, Brenig C, Koslowski T
Towards a process-centered resilience framework
2015 ARES 2015 - 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - Workshop FARES - Zimmermann C
A Categorization of Transparency-Enhancing Technologies
2015 Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015 - Accorsi R
A Posteriori Process Security Control
2015 ICISSP 2015 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ESEO, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 9-11 February, 2015. SciTePress 2015, ISBN 978-989-758-08 - Vacaru, A, Zimmermann C, Müller G
A Survey of Privacy Research on the Effects of Transparency on Consumer Attitudes and Behavior
2015 Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015 - Karwe M, Müller G
DPIP: A Demand Response Privacy Preserving Interaction Protocol - For Trusted Third Party Involvement.
2015 Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2015 International Workshops, Poznań, Poland, June 24-26, 2015, pages: 224 - 234 - Ceravolo P, Russo B, Accorsi R
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - 4th International Symposium, SIMPDA 2014, Milan, Italy, November 19-21, 2014, Revised Selected Papers.
2015 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 237, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-27242-9 - Ceravolo P, Accorsi R, Cudré-Mauroux P
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - Third IFIP WG 2.6, 2.12 International Symposium, SIMPDA 2013, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 30, 2013, Revised Selected Papers.
2015 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 203, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-662-46435-9 - Brenig C, Accorsi R, Müller G
Economic Analysis of Cryptocurrency Backed Money Laundering
2015 23th European Conference on Information Systems, Münster, Germany forthcoming - Nolte C, Zimmermann C, Müller G
No Privacy in Monopoly? An Economic Perspective on Social Network Services and Data-Centric Business
2015 Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015 - Holderer J, Accorsi R, Müller G
When four-eyes become too much: a survey on the interplay of authorization constraints and workflow resilience
2015 Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Salamanca, Spain, April 13-17, 2015, pages: 1245 - 1248
back to the year overview- Karwe M, Strüker J
A Survey on Privacy in Residential Demand Side Management Applications
2014 Smart Grid Security - Second International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2014, Munich, Germany, February 26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, volume: 8448, pages: 154 - 165 - Müller G
Datenschutz: Ein Auslaufmodell?
2014 Software-Technologien und -Prozesse: IT-Sicherheit und Privatheit in Zeiten von Big Data. Tagungsband/Proceedings zur 4. Konferenz STeP 2014, Hochschule Furtwangen - Zimmermann C, Accorsi R, Müller G
Privacy Dashboards: Reconciling Data-Driven Business Models and Privacy
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 Ninth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) , pages: 152 - 157
- Accorsi R, Ceravolo P, Russo B
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2014), Milan, Italy, November 19-21, 2014
2014 CEUR-WS.orgCEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume: 1293 - Pöhls H, Karwe M
Redactable Signatures to Control the Maximum Noise for Differential Privacy in the Smart Grid
2014 Smart Grid Security - Second International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2014, Munich, Germany, February 26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, volume: 8448, pages: 79 - 93 - Stocker T, Accorsi R
SecSy: A Security-oriented Tool for Synthesizing Process Event Logs
2014 Proceedings of the BPM Demo Sessions 2014 Co-located with the 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 10, 2014., volume: 1295 - Accorsi R, Holderer J, Stocker T, Zahoransky R
Security Workflow Analysis Toolkit
2014 Sicherheit 2014: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 7. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 19.-21. März 2014, Wien, Österreich, volume: 228, pages: 433 - 442 - Zahoransky R, Koslowski T, Accorsi R, ,
Toward Resilience Assessment in Business Process Architectures
2014 Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2014 Workshops: ASCoMS, DECSoS, DEVVARTS, ISSE, ReSA4CI, SASSUR. Florence, Italy, September 8-9, 2014. Proceedings, volume: 8696, pages: 360 - 370 - Holderer J
cLog: Complex Event Log Synthesis Tool
2014 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Paderborn
back to the year overview- Fenz S, Neubauer T, Accorsi R, Koslowski T
FORISK: Formalizing Information Security Risk and Compliance Management
2013 43rd annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W), Budapest, 24-27 June 2013 - Stocker T, Böhr F
IF-Net: A Meta-Model for Security-Oriented Process Specification
2013 9th International Workshop, STM 2013, Egham, UK Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, volume: 8203, pages: 191 - 206
- Zahoransky R, Semaan S, Rechert K
Identity and Access Management for Complex Research Data Workflows
2013 6. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien, Beiträge der Fachtagung, 03.-04. Juni 2013, Erlangen, volume: 217, pages: 107 - 117 - Brenig C, Reichert S, Strueker J
Inter-Organizational Demand Response Applications: How to Address Moral Hazard in Smart Grids
2013 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 15-17, 2013 - Koslowski T, Strüker J, Brenig C
Mastering the Energiewende – A Cross-disciplinary Teaching Approach
2013 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013), Utrecht, Netherlands, June 6-8 - Accorsi R
On Process Rewriting for Business Process Security
2013 Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 30, 2013, volume: 1027, pages: 111 - 126 - Accorsi R, Stocker T, Mueller G
On the Exploitation of Process Mining for Security Audits: The Process Discovery Case
2013 Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages: 1462 - 1468
- Flender C
Order Effects in Observations of Stated and Revealed Privacy Preferences
2013 Collaborative, Trusted and Privacy-Aware e/m-Services - 12th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2013, Athens, Greece, April 25-26, 2013. Proceedings, volume: 399, pages: 13 - 24 - Koslowski T, Geoghegan W, Longstaff P H
Organizational Resilience: A Review and Reconceptualization
2013 33rd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Atlanta, VA. Sept 28-Oct 1 2013 - Accorsi R, Müller G
Preventive Inference Control in Data-centric Business Models
2013 2013 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 23-24, 2013, pages: 28 - 33 - Accorsi R, Ceravolo P, Cudré-Mauroux P
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 30, 2013
2013 CEUR-WS.orgCEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume: 1027 - Accorsi R, Ceravolo P, Cudré-Mauroux P
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 30, 2013
2013 CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1027, 2013 - Koslowski T
Resilience Management – Achieving Sustainability in Turbulent Environments
2013 5th Annual ARCS Research Conference (Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability), Berkeley, CA. 29 April – 1 May - Accorsi R, Stocker T
SecSy: Synthesizing Smart Process Event Logs
2013 Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2013, St. Gallen, Switzerland, September 5-6, 2013, volume: 222, pages: 71 - 84 - Accorsi R, Ranise S
Security and Trust Management - 9th International Workshop, STM 2013, Egham, UK, September 12-13, 2013. Proceedings
2013 SpringerLecture Notes in Computer Science, volume: 8203 - Longstaff P H, Koslowski T, Geoghegan W
Translating Resilience: A Framework to Enhance Communication and Implementation
2013 5th International Symposium on Resilience Engineering, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 25-27 June 2013 - Zimmermann C, Accorsi R
Transparenz durch Privacy Dashboards: Ein Process Mining Ansatz
2013 Koblenz Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), volume: P-220, pages: 2087 - 2101 - Müller G, Accorsi R
Why Are Business Processes Not Secure?
2013 Number Theory and Cryptography - Papers in Honor of Johannes Buchmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, volume: 8260, pages: 240 - 254
back to the year overview- Strüker J, Weppner H
A Cloud-based Messaging Service for Cross-Enterprise Data Exchange with Smart Objects
2012 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Seattle, Washington Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems - Accorsi R, Lehmann A
Automatic Information Flow Analysis of Business Process Models
2012 Business Process Management - 10th International Conference, BPM 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, September 3-6, 2012. Proceedings. - Zahoransky R, Rechert K, Meier K, Wehrle D, von Suchodoletz D
Cellular Location Determination - Reliability and Trustworthiness of GSM Location Data
2012 ARCS 2012 Workshops, 28. Februar - 2. März 2012, München, Germany, volume: 200, pages: 63 - 73 - Stocker T
Data Flow-oriented Process Mining to Support Security Audits
2012 Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2011 Workshops ICSOC Workshops, volume: 7221, pages: 171 - 176
- Strüker J, Dinther C von
Demand Response in Smart Grids: Research Opportunities for the IS Discipline
2012 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Seattle, Washington Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems - Accorsi R, Stocker T
Discovering Workflow Changes with Time-based Trace Clustering
2012 Post-proceedings of the IFIP Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis, pages: 154 - 168
- Strüker J, Kerschbaum F
From a Barrier to a Bridge: Data-Privacy in Deregulated Smart Grids
2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012). Orlando Florida Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) - Karwe M, Strüker J
Maintaining Privacy in Data Rich Demand Response Applications
2012 Smart Grid Security - First International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2012, Berlin, Germany, December 3, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, volume: 7823, pages: 85 - 95 - Flender C, Peters M, Müller G
Measuring Consumer Information Deficits in Transactions of Data-centric Services
2012 23rd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2012). Varazdin, Croatia Proceedings of the 23rd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2012) - Accorsi R, Zimmermann C, Müller G
On Taming the Inference Threat in Social Networks
2012 The 1st International Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection Technology (PDPT). Amsterdam Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Privacy and Data Protection Technology (PDPT) - Accorsi R, Stocker T
On the Exploitation of Process Mining for Security Audits: The Conformance Checking Case
2012 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, Riva, Trento, Italy Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages: 1709 - 1716
- Koslowski T
Organizational Resilience: New Directions For Managing Uncertainty
2012 25th Freiburg-Nagoya Joint Seminar 2012, 17-19 September 2012. Nagoya University Proceedings of the 25th Freiburg-Nagoya Joint Seminar 2012 - Feuerriegel S, Strüker J, Neumann D
Reducing Price Uncertainty through Demand Side Management
2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012). Orlando Florida Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) - Koslowski T, Longstaff P, Vidal M, Grob T
Resilience Analysis of the ICT ecosystem
2012 23rd European regional conference of International Telecommunications Society. Vienna, Austria Proceedings of the 23rd European regional conference of International Telecommunications Society - Flender C, Müller G
Type Indeterminacy in Privacy Decisions: The Privacy Paradox Revisited
2012 6th International Symposium on Quantum Interaction (QI 2012). Paris School of Economics, ENS, France Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Quantum Interaction (QI 2012)
back to the year overview- Accorsi R
Business Process as a Service: Chances for Remote Auditing
2011 Workshop Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC Workshops 2011, Munich, Germany, 18-22 July 2011, pages: 398 - 403 - Kerschbaum F, Strüker J, Koslowski T
Confidential Information-Sharing for Automated Sustainability Benchmarks
2011 ICIS 2011 Proceedings. Shanghai, PRC ICIS 2011 Proceedings - Accorsi R, Stocker H
Discovering Workflow Changes with Time-Based Trace Clustering
2011 Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - First International Symposium, SIMPDA 2011, Campione d'Italia, Italy, June 29 - July 1, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, pages: 154 - 168 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Informationsfluss-Mechanismen zur Zertifizierung von Cloud-basierten Geschäftsprozessen
2011 Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI - Ziekow H, Strüker J
Inter-organizational Integration Infrastructures for Smart Objects: White Spots in the Service Landscape
2011 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit, Michigan, USA Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) - Strüker J, Weppner H, Bieser G
Intermediaries for the Internet of Energy - Message Distribution between Smart Objects and Enterprise Applications as a Business Model
2011 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Helsinki, Finland Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) - Koslowski T
Interorganisationale Nachhaltigkeitsmessung als Softwaredienst
2011 Doctoral Consortium of the Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011. Zürich (CH) Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011. Zürich (CH), pages: 115 - 124 - Schröpfer A, Kerschbaum F, Müller G
L1 - An Intermediate Language for Mixed-Protocol Secure Computation
2011 Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2011, Munich, Germany, 18-22 July 2011, pages: 298 - 307 - Böhr F
Model Based Statistical Testing of Embedded Systems
2011 Fourth International IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2012, Berlin, Germany, 21-25 March, 2011, Workshop Proceedings, pages: 18 - 25 - Flender C
Quantum Phenomenology and Dynamic Co-emergence
2011 Quantum Interaction - 5th International Symposium, QI 2011, Aberdeen, UK, June 26-29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, volume: 7052, pages: 205 - 210 - Accorsi R
Reliably secure business process specifications
2011 Grande Region Security and Reliability Day, Trier, Germany Proceedings of the Grande Region Security and Reliability Day - Zimmermann C, Spreitzenbarth M, Schmitt S
Reverse Engineering of the Android File System (YAFFS2)
2011 - Müller G, Syring A, Eggs H, Wenzel S
Risikomanagement und Vertrauensbildung im Cloud Computing
SIMOTEST: A tool for automated testing of hybrid real-time Simulink models
2011 IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, ETFA 2011, Toulouse, France, September 5-9, 2011, pages: 1 - 4 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C, Dochow S
SWAT: A Security Workflow Analysis Toolkit for Reliably Secure Process-aware Information Systems
2011 Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2011, Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 2011, pages: 692 - 697 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Strong Non-Leak Guarantees for Workflow Models
2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Enterprise Engineering Track). TaiChung, Taiwan Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Enterprise Engineering Track) - Stocker T
Time-based Trace Clustering for Evolution-aware Security Audits
2011 BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France Business Process Management Workshops (2), volume: 100, pages: 471 - 476
- Accorsi R, Wonnemann C, Stocker T
Towards forensic data flow analysis of business process logs
2011 Sixth International Conference on IT Security Incident Management and IT Forensics, IMF 2011, Stuttgart, Germany Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics, pages: 3 - 20
- Accorsi R, Stocker T
Towards security-aware process mining
2011 IFIP Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis
back to the year overview- Flender C
A Quantum Interpretation of the View-update Problem
2010 21st Australasian Conference on Database Technologies (ADC 2010), Brisbane, Australia Proceedings of the Twenty-First Australasian Conference on Database Technologies (ADC 2010) - Sackmann S, Syring A
Adapted Loss Database – A New Approach to Assess IT Risk in Automated Business Processes
2010 AMCIS 2010 Proceedings, Paper 374 - Accorsi R, Wonnemann C
Auditing Workflow Executions against Dataflow Policies
2010 Conference on Business Information Systems, Berlin, Germany Proceedings of the Conference on Business Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, volume: 47, pages: 207 - 217 - Böhr F
Model Based Statistical Testing and Durations
2010 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, ECBS 2010, Oxford, England, UK, 22-26 March 2010, pages: 344 - 351 - Tharaud J, Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Sonehara N, Müller G, Lafourcade P
Privacy by Data Provenance with Digital Watermarking - A Proof-of-Concept Implementation for Medical Services with Electronic Health Records
2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2010), Darmstadt, Germany, 15-17 October, 2010, Proceedings, pages: 510 - 513 - Rannenberg K, Varadharajan V, Weber C
Security and Privacy - Silver Linings in the Cloud - 25th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2010, Held as Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings
2010 SpringerIFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, volume: 330 - Haas S, Herkenhöner R, Royer D, Alkassar A, de Meer H, Müller G
Supporting Semi-automated Compliance Control by a System Design Based on the Concept of Separation of Concerns
2010 Privacy and Identity Management for Life - 6th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/PrimeLife International Summer School, Helsingborg, Sweden, August 2-6, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, volume: 352, pages: 120 - 129 - Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Sonehara N, Müller G
Tagging Disclosures of Personal Data to Third Parties to Preserve Privacy
2010 Security and Privacy - Silver Linings in the Cloud - 25th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2010, Held as Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings, volume: 330, pages: 241 - 252 - Müller G, Kundisch D, Sackmann S, Romeike F
2010 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2010, Göttingen, 23.-25.2.2010, Proceedings, pages: 2123 - 2124
back to the year overview- Flender C, Kitto K, Bruza PD
Beyond Ontology in Information Systems
2009 Third Quantum Interaction Symposium, QI 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 25-27, 2009 Proceedings of the Third Quantum Interaction Symposium, QI 2009, volume: 5494, pages: 276 - 288 - Ruch M
Kundenindividuelle Steuerung von Transaktionsrisiken im E-Commerce
2009 Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2009 in Wien - Accorsi R
Log Data as Digital Evidence: What Secure Logging Protocols Have to Offer?
2009 1st IEEE Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering, Seattle, Washington, USA Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering - Höhn S
Model-based reasoning on the achievement of business goals
2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), New York, NY, USA Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages: 1589 - 1593 - Flender C, Kitto K, Bruza PD
Nonseparability of Shared Intentionality
2009 Third Quantum Interaction Symposium, QI 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 25-27 Proceedings of the Third Quantum Interaction Symposium, QI 2009, volume: 5494, pages: 211 - 224 - Accorsi R, Stocker T
On Frameworks for the Visualization of Privacy Policies Implications
2009 W3C Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios, Luxemburg W3C Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios
- Wonnemann C, Accorsi R
On Information Flow Forensics in Business Application Scenarios
2009 4th IEEE Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications, Seattle, Washington, USA Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications - Wonnemann C, Accorsi R, Müller G
On Information Flow Forensics in Business Application Scenarios
2009 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2009, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 20-24, 2009. Volume 2, pages: 324 - 328 - Wohlgemuth, S, Isao Echizen, Noboru Sonehara, Müller G
On Privacy in Business Processes - Observing Delegation of Personal Data by Using Digital Watermarking
2009 Proceedings of the Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications - Haas S, Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Müller G
On Privacy in Medical Services with Electronic Health Records
2009 IMIA WG4 (SiHIS) Workshop 2009, Hiroshima, Japan Proceedings of the IMIA WG4 (SiHIS) Workshop 2009 - Trustworthiness of Health Information - Wohlgemuth S, Echizen I, Sonehara N, Müller G
On Privacy-aware Delegation of Personal Data using Digital Watermarking
2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2009), Kyoto, Japan, 12-14 September, 2009, pages: 56 - 59 - Lowis L, Accorsi R
On a Classification Approach for SOA Vulnerabilities
2009 1st IEEE Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering, Seattle, Washington, USA Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering - Kittel K
Recommendation System for Integrating Controls in Business Process Models
2009 CECIIS 2009. Varazdin - Accorsi R
Safekeeping Digital Evidence with Secure Logging Protocols: State of the Art and Challenges
2009 5th Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics, Stuttgart, Germany Proceedings of the 5th Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics - Sackmann S, Lowis L, Kittel K
Selecting Services in Business Process Execution – A Risk-based Approach
2009 Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI'09), Wien Business Services: Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen, pages: 357 - 366
back to the year overview- Sackmann S, Kähmer M, Gilliot M, Lowis L
A Classification Model for Automating Compliance
2008 Tenth IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC08), Washington, USA Proceedings of Tenth IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC08), pages: 79 - 86 - Sackmann S
A Reference Model for Process-oriented IT Risk Management
2008 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’08), 09.-11.06.2008, Galway, Irland Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’08) - Sackmann S
Assessing the effects of IT changes on IT risk - A business process-oriented view
2008 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08), Munich, 25.2.-28.2. Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08), pages: 1137 - 1148 - Accorsi R, Stocker T
Automated Privacy Audits Based on Pruning of Log Data.
2008 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, ECOC 2008, München Proceedings of the 12th Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, pages: 175 - 182
- Accorsi R
Automated Privacy Audits to Complement the Notion of Control for Identity Management.
2008 IFIP. Policies and Research in Identity Management, volume: 261, pages: 39 - 48 - Kähmer M, Gilliot M, Müller G
Automating Privacy Compliance with ExPDT
2008 The Tenth IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC08) Proceedings of Tenth IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC08), pages: 87 - 94 - Kundisch D, Sackmann S, Ruch M
CRM and Customer Portfolio Management for E-Tailers
2008 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'08), 7.-10. Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'08) - Land F, Loebbecke C, Angehrn A, Clemons E, Hevner A, Müller G
Design Science in Information Systems: Hegemony, Bandwagon, or New Wave?
2008 Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2008, Paris, France, December 14-17, 2008 - Kähmer M, Gilliot M
Extended Privacy Definition Tool
2008 PRIMIUM Subconference at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), München Proceedings of the PRIMIUM Subconference at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), page: 151 - Gille D, Strüker J
Into the Unknown – Measuring the Business Performance of RFID Applications
2008 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), Galway, Ireland, June 9-11 Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008) - zur Muehlen M, Indulska M, Kittel K
Modeling of Business Processes and Business Rules: An Integrated Methodology
2008 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2008), Christchurch, New Zealand : Association for Information Systems / University of Canterbury Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2008) - Strüker J, Accorsi R, Müller G
On Providing One-to-One Marketing with Customers' Privacy in Stationary Retail.
2008 IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology, pages: 44 - 49 - Wonnemann C, Strüker J
Password Management for EPC Class 1 Generation 2 Transponders
2008 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'08), Washington, USA Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'08) - Faupel T, Strüker J, Gille D
Performance Improvements based on RFID - Empirical Findings from a Cross-sectoral Study
2008 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '08), Toronto, ON, Canada August 14-17 Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '08) - Baars H, Sun X, Strüker J, Gille D
Profiling Benefits of RFID Applications
2008 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '08), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 14-17 Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '08) - Höhn S, Jürjens J
Rubacon: automated support for model-based compliance engineering
2008 ICSE '08: 30th international conference on Software engineering, Leipzig, Germany ICSE '08: Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering, page: 75–878 - Hettel T, Flender C, Barros A
Scaling Choerography Modelling for B2B Value-Chain Analysis
2008 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Process Management, 1-4 September, 2008 Milan, Italy Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Process Management, volume: 5240, pages: 294 - 309 - Flender C, Hettel T, Lawley T, Rosemann M
Semi-automated Model Synchronisation in SOM
2008 Forum at the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2008), 16-20 June 2008, Montpellier, France Proceedings of the Forum at the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2008) - Strüker J, Gille D
The SME Way of Adopting RFID Technology: Empirical Findings from a German Cross-Sectoral Study
2008 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), Galway, Ireland, June 9-11 Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’08) - Lowis L
Towards Automated Risk Identification in Service-Oriented Architectures
2008 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, München Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08) - Müller G, König W
Vorwort: IT-Risikomanagement: IT-Projekte und IT-Compliance
2008 Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, München Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 08) - Lowis L, Höhn S, Gilliot M
Vulnerability Effect Propagation in Service-Oriented Archtectures
2008 Sicherheit 2008, volume: 128, pages: 473 - 484
back to the year overview- Accorsi R
Automated Privacy Audits to Complement the Notion of Control for Identity Management
2007 Policies and Research in Identity Management - First IFIP WG11.6 Working Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management (IDMAN'07), RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Octo, pages: 39 - 48 - Kundisch D, Sackmann S, Ruch M
Customer Portfolio Management in E-Commerce - A Risk Management Perspective.
2007 INFORMS: International Puerto Rico 2007 Conference. Puerto Rico: Integrated Corporate-wide Risk/Return Management Proceedings to the INFORMS: International Puerto Rico 2007 Conference, Integrated Corporate-wide Risk/Return Management, - Faupel T, Sackmann S
Economic Coordination in Kanban-based Production Systems with Ubiquitous Computing.
2007 System and Information Sciences Notes (SISN), volume: 2, issue: 1, pages: 33 - 39 - Müller G
Enforceable Privacy Promises
2007 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE 2007), 23-26 July 2007, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, page: 6 - Kähmer M, Accorsi R
Kundenkarten in hochdynamischen Systemen - Von einer Gefährdung zum Schutz der Privatsphäre
2007 Proceedings of the Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems, Workshop on Network Configuration and Security, pages: 21 - 26 - Accorsi R, Bernauer M
On Privacy Evidence for UbiComp Environments -- Broadening the Notion of Control to Improve User Acceptance.
2007 5th Workshop on Privacy in UbiComp Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Privacy in UbiComp - Sackmann S
Personalization and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing - Resolving the Conflict by Legally Binding Commitments
2007 IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'07), Tokyo, Japan Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'07) - Accorsi R
Privacy Evidence to Complement the Notion of Control for Identity Management
2007 IFIP Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management - Parrend P, Frenot S, Höhn S
Privacy-Aware Service Integration
2007 International Conference on Pervasive Services Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Services, pages: 397 - 402 - Flender C, Rosemann M
Service-oriented Design of an Enterprise Architecture in Home Telecare
2007 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007), 5-7 December, Toowoomba, Australia Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007) - Lowis L
Sicherheitsüberwachung entfernter Dienste in service-orientierten Architekturen
2007 Second GI SIG SIDAR Graduate Workshop on Reactive Security (SPRING), Technical Report SR-2007-01 Proceedings of the Second GI SIG SIDAR Graduate Workshop on Reactive Security (SPRING), page: 5 - Kundisch D, Sackmann S, Ruch M
Transferring Portfolio Selection Theory to Customer Portfolio Management – The Case of an e-Tailer, Workshopbeitrag
2007 3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2007), Montreal, Canada, 8. Dezember Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry (FinanceCom 2007)
back to the year overview- Kähmer M
Difference in Security Policies for Dynamic Systems
2006 ETRICS Workshop on Security in Autonomous Systems (SecAS06) Proceedings of ETRICS Workshop on Security in Autonomous Systems (SecAS06) - Müller G, Eymann T, Nopper N, Seuken S
EMIKA System: Architecture and prototypic realization
2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pages: 5621 - - 5626 - Faupel T
Hindernisse beim Datenzugriff mittels mobiler Kommunikationstechnologie – Eine empirische Analyse
2006 Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. - Faupel T, Sackmann S
Intra-enterprise Data Access using Mobile Communication Technology in the German Industry
2006 17th European Regional ITS Conference, International Telecommunications Society, Amsterdam Proceedings of the 17th European Regional ITS Conference, International Telecommunications Society, Amsterdam - Wohlgemuth S, Müller G
Privacy with Delegation of Rights by Identity Management
2006 ETRICS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume: 3995, pages: 175 - 190 - Ruch M
Success and Impact Factors of Card-based Customer Rebate Systems in German Retail - An Empirical Analysis
2006 17th International Conference of Information and Intelligent Systems, Varazdin, Croatia Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Information and Intelligent Systems - Rosemann M, Recker J, Flender C, Ansell P
Understanding Context-Awareness in Business Process Design
2006 17th Australasian Conference in Information Systems (ACIS 2006), 6-8 Dec 2006, Adelaide, Australia Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Conference in Information Systems (ACIS 2006) - Prokein O, Faupel T
Using Web Services for Intercompany Cooperation - An Empirical Study within the German Industry
2006 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, Kauai, Hawaii, USA Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, Kauai
back to the year overview- Faisst U, Prokein O
An Optimization Model for the Management of Security Risks in Banking Companies
2005 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, pages: 266 - 273 - Lowis L, Hohl A
Enabling Persistent Service Links
2005 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, pages: 301 - 306 - Strasser M
Influence of Ubiquitous Computing on Organizational Structure
2005 IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC) Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC), pages: 489 - 492 - Hohl A, Lowis L, Zugenmaier A
Look Who's Talking - Authenticating Service Access Points
2005 2nd International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing, pages: 151 - 162 - Eymann T, Koop A, Strasser M
Proceedings zum 5. Workshop der GMDS-Projektgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin
2005 Shaker Verlag, Aachen - Accorsi R, Kähmer M, Müller G
Security in UbiComp: Protection through Commandments
2005 Seventh Conference on Ubiquitous Computing The Poster Session at the Seventh Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - Gille D
The Efficiency of Decreasing Payment Amounts in Mobile Commerce and Ubiquitous Computing
2005 Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services 2005 Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services 2005, pages: 96 - 101 - Accorsi R
Towards a Secure Logging Mechanism for Dynamic Systems
2005 7th IT Security Symposium. São José dos Campos, Brazil Proceedings to the 7th IT Security Symposium
back to the year overview- Sackmann S
Bilateral Price Negotiations by Software Agents - A Model for Measuring Marketplace-Related Negotiation Behavior
2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '04), 6.-8. August, New York, USA Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '04) - Strüker J, Sackmann S, Müller G
Case Study on Retail Customer Communication Applying Ubiquitous Computing
2004 Proceedings of the IEEE-Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC), 6.-9. July, San Diego, USA - Reinicke M, Strasser M
Decentralized Management of Persistent Bandwidth Provision for Mobile Devices in Cellular Radio Networks
2004 Thirty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA Proceedings to the Thirty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Müller G, Eymann T, Nopper N, Seuken S
EMIKA system: architecture and prototypic realization
2004 SMC 2004: The Hague, The Netherlands, pages: 5621 - 5626 - Strüker J, Sackmann S
Neue Formen der Kundenkommunikation durch mobile IuK-Technologien – Eine ökonomische Analyse am Beispiel des "Extra Future Stores"
2004 Multikonferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2004 (MKWI '04), Essen Proceedings to Multikonferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2004 (MKWI '04) - Strüker J, Sackmann S
New Forms of Customer Communication: Concepts and Pilot Projects
2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '04), 6.-8. August, New York, USA Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '04) - Spahic A, Kreutzer M, Kähmer M, Chandratilleke S
Pre-Authentication using Infrared
2004 Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing – Proceedings of the Workshop at Pervasive04 (SPPC) - Angermann M, Strang T, Kähmer M, Kreutzer M
Rapidly Deployable Infrastructures for Communications and Localization in Disaster Management - Scenarios, Requirements and Concepts
2004 United Nations International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management - Kreutzer M, Kähmer M
Scalable Service Discovery in MANETS exemplified in Mobile Hospitals
2004 Proceedings of IADIS International Conference, e-Society - Kreutzer M, Kähmer M
Service Discovery with Higher Order Services in Mobile Hospitals
2004 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer- Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pages: 460 - 465 - Strüker J, Sackmann S
Success Factors for Electronic Customer Communication in Brick- and-Mortar Retailing
2004 Proceeding of the 3rd mBusiness Conference, 12.13. July, 2004, New York, USA - Kreutzer M, Kähmer M
Ubiquitous Computing Technology in Infrastructureless Environments
2004 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)
back to the year overview- Zugenmaier A, Hohl A
Anonymity for Users of Ubiquitous Computing
2003 Security-Workshop at UbiComp'03, Seattle, October Proceedings of the Security-Workshop at UbiComp'03 - Eifert D, Pippow I, Müller G
Brand Building on the Internet - An Empirical Analysis. Working Paper
2003 20th Nagoya/Freiburg Seminar "International Factor Markets in Integrated Areas", 29 March, Freiburg Proceedings of the 20th Nagoya/Freiburg Seminar "International Factor Markets in Integrated Areas", volume: 3, issue: 3 - Chandratilleke S, Kreutzer M
Credential-basierte Ad-hoc-Authentifikation für Funknetze
2003 Netzguide E-Security - Ardaiz O, Artigas P, Freitag F, Navarro L, Eymann T, Reinicke M
Decentralized Resource Allocation in Application Layer Networks
2003 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003), 12.-15. Mai 2003, Tokyo, Japan - Ardaiz O, Artigas P, Díaz de Cerio L, Eymann T, Freitag F, Messeguer R, Navarro L, Reinicke M, Royo D
Decentralized vs. Centralized Economic Coordination of Resource Allocation in Grids
2003 1st European Across Grids Conference, February 2003, Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Ardaiz O, Artigas P, Díaz de Cerio L, Eymann T, Freitag F, Messeguer R, Navarro L, Reinicke M, Royo D
Exploring decentralized resource allocation in application layer networks
2003 Agent-based Simulation 4, April 2003, Montpellier, France - Ardaiz O, Artigas P, Freitag F, Navarro L, Eymann T, Reinicke M
Exploring the Catallactic Coordination Approach for Peer-to-Peer systems
2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Euro-Par 2003, 26.- 29. August 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria - Eymann T, Sackmann S, Müller G, Pippow I
Hayek's Catallaxy: A Forward-looking Concept for Information Systems?
2003 Americas Conference on Information Systems 2003 (AMCIS 2003), 4.8.-6.8.2003 Tampa, Florida - Pippow I, Eifert D, Müller G
One-to-one Marketing and Customer Loyalty in Electronic Commerce - An Empirical Analysis. Working Paper
2003 20th Nagoya/Freiburg Seminar "International Factor Markets in Integrated Areas", 29 March, Freiburg Proceedings of the 20th Nagoya/Freiburg Seminar "International Factor Markets in Integrated Areas", volume: 2, issue: 3 - Strasser M, Zugenmaier A
Personalization through Mask Marketing
2003 Thirty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), January 6-9, IEEE Computer Society - Ardaiz O, Artigas P, Freitag F, Navarro L, Eymann T, Reinicke M
Self-Organizing Resource Allocation for Autonomic Networks
2003 International Workshop on Autonomic Computing Systems at 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Dexa 2003, 1.-5. September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic - Zugenmaier A, Kreutzer M, Müller G
The Freiburg Privacy Diamond: An Attacker Model for a Mobile Computing Environment
2003 Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) '03 Leipzig
back to the year overview- Ardaiz O, Freitag F, Navarro L, Eymann T, Reinicke M
Catallactic Mechanisms for Service Control and Resource Allocation in Large Scale Application-Layer Networks
2002 2nd IEEE/ACM Intl. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the GRID. 21 - 24 May 2002, Berlin - Sackmann S, Eymann T, Müller G
EMIKA - Real-Time Controlled Mobile Information Systems in Health Care Applications. Konferenzband des 2. Workshop "Mobiles Computing in der Medizin"
2002 the 7. Fachtagung "Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung in Krankenhaus und Versorgungsnetzen", 11. April 2002, Heidelberg, Germany - Kaiser J, Reichenbach M
Evaluating security tools towards usable security
2002 IFIP 17th World Computer Congress, Montreal, Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 25.-30. August Usability Gaining a Competive Edge - Grzebiela T
Insurability of Electronic Commerce Risks
2002 Thirty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35) - Jendricke U, Kreutzer M, Zugenmaier A
Mobile Identity Management
2002 Workshop on Security in Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP), Göteborg, Schweden
back to the year overview- Padovan B, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Pippow I, Eggs H
A Prototype for an Agent-based Secure Electronic Marketplace Including Reputation Tracking Mechanisms
2001 Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6, IEEE Computer Society - Padovan B, Sackmann S, Eymann T, Pippow I
A Prototype for an Agent-based Secure Electronic Marketplace Including Reputation Tracking Mechanisms
2001 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), Maui, Hawaii, 3.-6.1.2001 Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34) - Eymann T
Co-Evolution of Bargaining Strategies in a Decentralized Multi-Agent System
2001 AAAI Fall 2001 Symposium on Negotiation Methods for Autonomous Cooperative Systems, North Falmouth, MA, November 03-04 Proceedings of the AAAI Fall 2001 Symposium on Negotiation Methods for Autonomous Cooperative Systems, volume: FS-01-03, pages: 126 - 134 - Eymann T, Müller G
Decentralized Electronic Markets: Economic Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems.
2001 Informatik 2001 (Proc. GI/OCG Jahrestagung 2001), Wien, September 25-28 , volume: II, pages: 981 - 990 - Zugenmaier A, Kreutzer M, Kabatnik M
Enhancing Applications with Approved Location Stamps
2001 IEEE, Intelligent Network Workshop, Boston, MA, USA - Reichenbach M
Individual Risk Management - Defining User Requirements for Secure and Efficient Electronic Payments
2001 the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research, 8.-11. November, Dallas, USA - Fischer-Hübner S, Olejar D, Rannenberg K
Security and Control of Information Technology. In: Society II (SCITS II)", Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.6/11.7 working conference on Security and Control of IT in Society, Bratislava, 15 -16 June
2001 - Pippow I, Schoder D
The Demand for Stored Value Payment Instruments
2001 Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6, IEEE Computer Society - Pippow I, Schoder D
The Demand for Stored Value Payment Instruments
2001 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), Maui, Hawaii, 3.-6.1.2001 Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34) - Schoder D, Strauß R, Gebauer D
The Relevance of Brands for Electronic Commerce, Results from an Empirical Study of Consumers in Europe
2001 Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6, IEEE Computer Society
back to the year overview- Eymann T, Padovan B, Sackmann S
Avalanche - A prototypical agent based secure electronic commerce platform. Prototype demonstration. Fourth International Conference on AUTONOMOUS AGENTS (Agents 2000), Barcelona, Spain, June 3 - June 7
2000 Agents 2000 - Müller G, Schoder D
Disintermediation versus Intermediation auf elektronischen Märkten am Beispiel "Trusted Third Parties" - Eine empirisch gestützte Einschätzung
2000 Tagungsband zur "Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung 1999 des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. in Bamberg" - Weber A
Full Bindingness and Confidentiality. Requirements for Secure Computers, and Design Options
2000 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Wien , pages: 889 - 996 - Weber A
Highly Secure Low-cost Computers,
2000 Information Security Summit, Prague, May 30-31 - Rannenberg K
How much negotiation and detail can users handle?
2000 6th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security; October 4-6,Toulouse, France Computer Science 1895, pages: 37 - 54 - Rannenberg K
IT Security Certification and Criteria - Progress, Problems and Perspectives; pp. 1-10 in Sihan Qing, Jan H.P. Eloff,:Information Security for Global Information Infrastructures; Proceedings of the 16th Annual Working Conference on Information Security (IFIP/SEC 2000); August 22-24, 2000, Beijing, China; Kluwer Academic Publishers
2000 - Reichenbach M, Grzebiela T, Költzsch T, Pippow I
Individual Risk Management for Digital Payment Systems
2000 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Wien, , pages: 875 - 882 - Smith Robert E, Bonacina C, Kearney Paul J, Eymann T
Integrating economics and genetics models in information ecosystems
2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2000), La Jolla, USA, 16-19 July CEC 2000 - Eymann T, Kearney Paul J
Market-based decentralised process management using multi-agent systems.
2000 AgentLink Newsletter, issue: 5, pages: 14 - 16 - Rannenberg K
Multilateral Security - A concept and examples for balanced security; Accepted for
2000 9th ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop 2000, September 19-21,Cork, Ireland ACM Press - Rannenberg K
Multilateral Security - Why and How?
2000 23rd National Information System Security Conference , page: 520 - Keck D, Kabatnik M, Kreutzer M, Zugenmaier A
Multilateral Security in Intelligent Networks
2000 IEEE, Intelligent Network Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa - Kaiser J
Multimedia zur Gestaltung kognitiv fundierter CAL-Systeme.
2000 8th GI Workshop Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen (ABIS 2000) - Rannenberg K, Iachello G
Protection Profiles for Remailer Mixes - Do the new Evaluation Criteria help?
2000 23rd National Information System Security Conference IEEE CS Press, pages: 107 - 118 - Schoder D
Risk in Electronic Commerce: It does matter, but not equally for all companies
2000 8th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Wien , pages: 838 - 843 - Padovan B, Sackmann S, Eymann T
Secure Electronic Marketplaces based on the Multi Agent System AVALANCHE.
2000 11th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS 2000), September 20th - 22nd, Varazdin, Croatia - Müller G
Sicherheit und Verlässlichkeit der Verwaltungsinformationssysteme
2000 Regieren und Verwalten im Informationszeitalter, pages: 128 - 142 - Müller G
Technische Perspektiven der Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaft
2000 Informationsrecht, pages: 265 - 280 - Eymann T, Padovan B, Schoder D
The Catallaxy as a new paradigm for the Design of Information Systems.
2000 16th IFIP World Computer Congress, Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Beijing/ PR China, August 21-25 - Jendricke U, Gerd tom Markotten D
Usability meets Security - The Identity-Manager as your Personal Security Assistant for the Internet.
2000 16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, New Orleans, USA, December 11-15
back to the year overview- Jendricke U, Rannenberg K
A MixDemonstrator for teaching Security in the Virtual University in WISE 1
1999 IFIP TC 11 WG 11.8 First World Conference on Information Security Education: 17-19 June, Kista, Sweden , pages: 83 - 96 - Müller G, Eymann T, Sackmann S
Economic risks of market-based supply-chain coordination using multi-agent systems
1999 Workshop "Intelligente Softwareagenten und betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien" Arbeitsbericht, issue: 14 - Eymann T, Padovan B
Eine Multi-Agenten-Simulation zur ökonomischen Analyse der dezentralen Koordination von Wertschöpfungsketten
1999 4. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI'99), 3.-5. März,Saarbrücken Electronic Business Engineering - Müller G, Eymann T, Padovan B
Growing Intelligent Information Systems from the Bottom Up. The Role of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
1999 10th International Conference "Information and Intelligent Systems" (IIS'99), Varazdin, Croatia: Faculty of Organization and Information Systems of the University of Zagreb - Eggs H, Englert J
Inter-organizational Networking of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - A Framework and Hypotheses-Based Case Studies
1999 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis , volume: 8, pages: 346 - 353 - Schoder D
Nutzen des Electronic Commerce aus Unternehmenssicht - Eine faktorenanalytische Untersuchung
1999 4. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik Electronic Business Engineering, pages: 97 - 112 - Müller G, Eggs H, Englert J
Restructuring of co-operation for small and medium-sized enterprises by electronic networks
1999 17th Joint Nagoya-Freiburg Seminar, 1997 - Baumgart R, Rannenberg K, Wähner D, Weck G
Verläßliche Informationsysteme IT-Sicherheit an der Schwelle eines neuen Jahrtausends
1999 GI-Fachtagung VIS ´99 vom 22.09. - 24.09.1999, Essen
back to the year overview- Schunter M, Waidner M, Whinnett D
A Status Report on the SEMPER Framework for Secure Electronic Commerce
1998 The TERENA Networking Conference '98, Dresden, Germany - Damker H, Reichenbach M, Müller G
Personal Reachability Management in a Networked World
1998 IEEE Workshop on Networked Appliances, November 4-6, Kyoto, Japan; IEEE COMSOC Multimedia Communications Commitee - Whinnett D
SEMPER: A Security Architecture for Open Commerce in Open Networks
1998 AsiaCard 98, Singapore - Weber A
Sind rechtsverbindliche digitale Signaturen möglich?
1998 VIS-Workshop "Security and Electronic Commerce,WSSEC", Essen, 1.-2. Oktober - Englert J, Eggs H
Vernetzung als Wettbewerbsfaktor kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen und zugrundeliegende Einflüßgrößen - Eine Strukturierung
1998 Tagungsband des Workshops Kooperationsnetze und Elektronische Koordination
back to the year overview- Janetzko D, Batinic B, Schoder D, Mattingley-Scott M, Strube G
Beiträge zum Workshop
1997 CAW-97 "Cognition & Web", Freiburg i.Br. IIG-Bericht, issue: 1 - Whinnett D
End User Acceptance of Security Technology for Electronic Commerce
1997 Fourth International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Cooperative Competition - Strauß R, Schoder D, Hummel T
Transformations in the Printing and Publishing Industry - Mass Customization in Traditional and Electronic Markets
1997 26th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Science Institute (WDSI), Big Island of Hawaii, USA, March 25-29 - Rannenberg K
Verläßliche IT-Systeme - Zwischen Key Escrow und elektronischem Geld
1997 GI-Fachtagung VIS '97 vom 30.09. - 02.10., Freiburg i. Br. DuD-Fachbeiträge
back to the year overview- Englert J, Eymann T, Gold S, Hummel T, Schoder D
Beyond Automation: A Framework for Supporting Cooperation
1996 4th European Conference on Information Systems, Lisbon/Portugal, July 2-4, , pages: 117 - 126 - Müller G, Schoder D, Hummel T
Das Freiburger Schichtenmodell der Telematik - Erste Folgerungen für den Anwendungsentwurf
1996 - Müller G, Strauß R, Schoder D, Kohl U, Gold S
Medienstandort Freiburg: Chancen für Klein- und Mittelstädte auf der Infobahn
1996 Workshop Dokumentation "Wie organisiert man regionale Medieninitiativen und mit welchem Ziel?", Freiburg, 17. April MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden Württemberg mbH - Schoder D, Hummel T
Organisatorische und informationstechnische Einflußgrößen der Nutzung kooperationsunterstützender Anwendungen - Hypothesen und Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie
1996 - Schoder D, Strauß R, Hummel T
Organizational Learning as a Cycle Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Levels - A nonlinear Dynamic Modeling Concept
1996 Academy of Management-Meeting, Cincinnati, USA, 11.-14. August - Ralf E, Strauß R, Bussiek T, Schoder D, Hummel T
Organizational Learning as a Cycle Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Levels: Aspects on a Theoretical Concept and an Empirical Validation
1996 Third Biennial International Conference on Advances in Management, Framingen, USA, Juni 26-29 - Strauß R, Schoder D, Hellbruck R, Hummel T
Set-Backs to Organizational Learning. A theoretical approach
1996 Annual Meeting of NEDSI, 17.-19. April, St. Croix, USA Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, volume: 17.-19. April - Schoder D, Strauß R, Hummel T
Supporting Organizational Learning with CSCW-Applications - The Information-Trader-Concept
1996 IFIP'96 14th World Computer Congress (Advanced IT Tools), Sept. 2-6, 96, Canberra, Australia , pages: 285 - 292 - Strauß R, Schoder D, Hummel T
The Learning Laboratory - supporting Learning Organizations with Agent Systems
1996 IEEE Annual International Engineering Management Conference, Vancouver, August 18-20 Managing Virtual Enterprises: A Convergence of Communications, Computing and Energy Technologies, pages: 611 - 615 - Kohl U
User-Oriented Control of Personal Information Security
1996 Workshop on Personal Information-Security, Engineering and Ethics, Cambridge/UK, Juni Communication Systems - Schoder D, Hummel T, Strauß R
What makes it so difficult to forecast telecommunication service usage?
1996 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, 17-19 April - Hummel T, Schoder D, Strauß R
Why CSCW Applications Fail, Problems in the Support of Lateral Cooperation and the Appropriateness of CSCW-Applications
1996 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, St. Croix, USA , pages: 342 - 244 - Strauß R, Schoder D, Müller G
Wired Cities - Opportunities for Small and Medium Sized Cities on the Information Highway
1996 IFIP'96 14th World Computer Congress, Canberra, Australien Integration of Multimedia Based Applications and Information Superhighways
back to the year overview- Rannenberg K
Evaluationskriterien zur IT-Sicherheit - Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in der Normung und außerhalb
1995 Verläßliche IT-Systeme VIS'95, 5. - 7. April, 1995 - Kohl U
From Social Requirements to Technical Solutions - Bridging the Gap with User-Oriented Data Security
1995 IFIP/Sec '95, Cape Town, South Africa, 9-12 May - Strauß R, Padovan B, Schoder D
Service Provider in Electronic Markets
1995 COTIM-95, The University of Rhode Island , pages: 144 - 151 - Schoder D
Stimulating the Diffusion of EDI in Health Care
1995 Seventh Annual Conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD), Los Angeles, April 6-9 Business Research Yearbook - Schoder D, Hummel T.
Supporting Lateral Cooperation through CSCW Applications: An Empirically Motivated Explanatory Approach
1995 Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW 95 - Müller G, Stoll F
The Freiburg Communications Assistant Enabling Decentralization and Privacy in Mobile Communications Networks
1995 ITU Telecom 95 Technical Forum, Geneva, 3-11 October
back to the year overview- Hellbrück R, Schoder D
Explaining and Forecasting Flops
1994 Sixth Annual Conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines - Rannenberg K
Recent Development in Information Technology Security Evaluation - The Need for Evaluation Criteria for Multilateral Security
1994 IFIP TC9/WG 9.6 Working Conference August 12-17, 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia. Amsterdam: North-Holland Security and Control of Information Technology in Society - Karduck A
TeamBuilder: A Hyper-Information Environment for Augmenting Global Collaborative Work
1994 5th IEEE ComSoc Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, May 17-19 , pages: 941 - 946 - Schoder D, Helbrück H
Telematics Innovations - Why do some fail and some not? Conclusions for Marketing
1994 International Conference on Information (ICIT) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Stoll F
The Need for Decentralization and Privacy in Mobile Communications Networks (revised version)
1994 10th IFIP SEC'94 Conference, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, May 23-27 Network Security Observations, volume: 1, issue: 1
back to the year overview- Müller G
1992 Informatik cui bono? 1992, pages: 144 - 144
back to the year overview- Müller G
Current Trends in Distributed Systems
1991 New Results and New Trends in Computer Science 1991, pages: 204 - 224
back to the year overview- Müller G
ENC - IBM European Networking Center
1986 Networking in Open Systems, International Seminar, Oberlech, Austria, August 18-22, 1986, pages: 437 - 440
Other publications
Years: 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998back to the top of all publications
back to the year overview- Accorsi R, Ruan K
Challenges of Cloud Forensics: A Survey of the Missing Capabilities
ERCIM News 2012(90), 2012
back to the year overview- Accorsi R, Müller G
FORTES: Forensic Information Flow Analysis of Business Processes
Distributed Usage Control 2010, 2010
back to the year overview- Faupel T, Strüker J, Gille D
RFID Report 2008: Anwender im Fokus
Intelligenter Produzieren (VDMA Verlag), volume: 6, pages: 6 - 9, 2008 - Faupel T, Strüker J, Gille D
RFID: Fakten zum Einsatz in Deutschland
ISS Auto ID / RFID Special, Ausgabe 3, issue: 3, pages: 87 - 90, 2008
back to the year overview- Weiß D, Kaack J, Kirn S, Gilliot M, Lowis L, Müller G, Herrmann A, Binnig C, Illes T, Paech B, Kossmann D
Die SIKOSA-Methodik – Unterstützung der industriellen Softwareproduktion durch methodisch integrierte Softwareentwicklungsprozesse.
Wirtschaftsinf, volume: 49, issue: 3, pages: 188 - 198, 2007
back to the year overview- Faupel T, Strasser M
Mobile Computing für das Gesundheitswesen
Krankenhaus IT-Journal, Antares Computerverlag, issue: 2, 2006
back to the year overview- Müller G, Wohlgemuth S
Study on Mobile Identity Management
FIDIS Future of Identity in the Information Society, EC Contract No. 507512, 2005
back to the year overview- Eymann T, Sackmann S
In: Diebold Deutschland (Hrsg.): Digital Business Agents - Nutzen und Potenziale von Multi-Agenten Systemen. Grundlagen, Chancen, Geschäftsmodelle. Timelabs Studie, Eschborn: Diebold Deutschland GmbH
, 2001
back to the year overview- Eymann T
Avalanche - ein agentenbasierter dezentraler Koordinationsmechanismus für elektronische Märkte. Dissertation
, 2000 - Müller G, Schober F, Kappel G
Electronic Commerce
Informatik Forschung Entwicklung, volume: 15, issue: 4, 2000 - Stüble C, Weber A
From Security Instruments to Secure End-user Systems
World Markets Reseach Centre, Business Briefing: Global Electronic Commerce London, pages: 207 - 209, 2000 - Padovan B
Potentiale, Hürden und Entwicklungen des Electronic Commerce, in Electronic Commerce - Herausforderungen und Chancen für Baden-Württemberg, Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung, Stuttgart
, 2000 - Müller G, Gerd tom Markotten D
Sicherheit in der Kommunikations- und Informationstechnik
Wirtschaftsinformatik, issue: 6, 2000
back to the year overview- Damker H, Fox D, Köhntopp M, Reif H
DuD Forum: Interview mit Phil Zimmermann
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), volume: 22, issue: 1, pages: 36 - 37, 1998